Evil-Corp is Television & The Military and the politicians of the world all work for it!

in #anarchy8 years ago

Steemit has been growing rapidly, in fact it is about to establish a critical mass in users which means that this very platform most likely will be used by everyone around the world for practically everything.

For years we have seen people wasting precious hours upon hour on facebook and whatever instagram is, showing off their homes, their vacations, their life in general just because their friends and family surrounds them and they feel pressured to keep being part of Mark Zuckerberg´s psychopathic experiment. 

Some of you young people might not remember how Social Media started with Myspace, a place for music... Those where the days - everyone who joined was automatically friends with Tom. Remember Myspace Tom? Of course not, who does anymore? :)

And then Zuckerberg came along, and most people have long forgotten that Facebook started by Zuckerberg stealing all the content from university yearbooks online and forced the students into his website - yes he stole it all point blank and made the students angry, very angry. But then he gave them all attention in form of likes, and soon they had forgotten that he just hijacked their lives by being a shady character to begin with.

And because of all the students being forced into Facebook, their younger siblings opened accounts as well to see what their brothers and sisters where up to, and then their parents and friends and the rest of the family joined and today 1,6 Billion or 1 thousand 6 hundred million people are trapped in Zuckerberg´s MAZE for absolutely no good reason what so ever.

Steemit and Cryptographic technology is the free worlds way to get even with Evil-Corp who censor the individual by applying mass-media-pressure which is equal to group-pressure but on a much larger scale.

Television IS Evil-Corp, and the most popular websites on the Internet is OWNED by Evil-Corp investors and therefore the narrative of what the main stream audience believe is news and truth, unfortunately don´t know any better. They are under the control of Evil-Corp and that is the sad fact of the story.

On the Other hand - Steemit and Crypto-Currency and technology is providing us all with the freedom from Evil-Corp, a fresh start if you want.

I am sure once you have been liberated you will feel free, and once you are free you will become successful in whatever endeavor you undertake in the new world government which is the blockchain and your fellow citizens.

Of course we will all do different things, occupied with different purposes and ideas. 

Great purposes and great ideas will quickly be recognized and rewarded handsomely for your contribution to the society on Steemit and the neighboring platforms on the crypto-scene.

Most of the world is not doing well now, but with these new tools we make it a better world for everyone. So thank you for using Steemit, Have a good night everyone.


Facebook won't share a dime with you from that 350 billion$ market cap.

Steemit will share it's market cap with you if you are talented!


Steemit and Cryptographic technology is the free worlds way to get even with Evil-Corp who censor the individual by applying mass-media-pressure which is equal to group-pressure but on a much larger scale.

Goverments as we speak are using blockchain technology e.g for land registry-Sweden or to create healthcare systems-USA

And remember. The Blockchain is forever. You cannot erase it, you cannot alter it. As fAr as I am concerned a server can die and data can get lost. When the goverment uses blockchain to register your ass there is nothing you can do. Talk about a technology being "anarchic".

I would advice fellow anarchists to think twice before they get all excited about "bad zackerbergs" and "good Steemit". Every piece of information you have put on Steemit it stays FOREVER. At least with facebook you can petition google to remove your persnal info. Nothing can be done about the blockchain.

Be very careful what you wish for

And to give it a tinfoil but possible twist. We don't even know who invented Bitcoin and why. What if it is an elaborate plan from the US goverment itself? Who is to tell they are not investing into it already?

Steemit selling point share with all the active, participating and contributing users.

There's a lot more to learn when joining here is not as straightforward as I would like but still a much better place than Facebook

Good point. This platform is a "lot harder to use" than say FB BUT its only in beta and over time will have apps that work seamlessly. This is when the "masses" will be involved and all o fuss here in the beginning will be making posts about "what it was like in the first months of Steemit".
I am thankful to be a part of this revolution in the beginning and helping shape the future of this community!

At least there will be a lot of members who can teach the new ones as We should know it fully by then..

How did I miss thus post?
🚀 Away

Thanks for the good article.Steemit are the beginning of this new era tokenized ecosystems.

What I love about Steemit and other cryptocurrencies is that while federal reserve notes (American dollars) are created by debt (work not yet done), Steemit dollars are created by mining, curating, writing (work that is already done). Tell this to the next person who wants to convince you Steemit is a scam.

Great perspective I hope Steemit is worth $300 Billion like Facebook and go to the moon!!!!

Interesting article. It maybe time for a new sherriff in town. HaHa!

Have a good night sleep @fyrstikken, we just started our day here, going to work while checking stuff to vote and comment.

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