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RE: The police state for us good folk

in #anarchy7 years ago

With all due respect, IATN, I believe you have it backwards. Our nation (the men, in particular) needs to self-heal BEFORE Adam ever has a chance of garnering 34%+ of the voter approval. But that healing process can happen if enough people read his book, and enough resulting libertarians gravitate towards the mindset that just "knowing I am right is no longer enough". That level of commitment could certainly be realized if we get our boy on the debate stage in 2020.

The Free State Project had the right idea. We need to shorten the reigns a bit and try a Free County Project... even a Free Town Project. This way we can control the way the police and courts act (or prove we can do without them, somehow preventing other governments from encroaching). If I had a badge, and I heard the story of what that uniformed thug put your wife through......... Go watch Mel Gibson's 2010 movie: "Edge of Darkness", and we'll further discuss this. When are libertarian men going to reach a point where they are sick and phuquin' tired of being victimized in a nation where this need not be the case? When are libertarian men going to recognize that liberty doesn't come from attempting to morally persuade parasites, whores, actors and controlFreaks out of their chosen lifestyle? Liberty comes to men who TAKE IT... and then maintain it. The Founders already took it. Why aren't we maintaining it?

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