
That is some of the silliest shit I have ever heard. Bless you brother, but argument is not your strong suit.

Uh huh, you are claiming that something that failed can work. If failed before, why would it work now?

This is like saying virginity failed because a rapist showed up. Laughable shit man.

That's not really anything like what I am saying. I am saying that the form of government that you are advocating for failed, that cherry got popped, why would it not fail the same way again?

You are placing blame on the victim, which is the mindset of most statists. Instead of fixing the problem, blame the solution.

Oh, they were "victims", not inferior? Sounds like a victimization narrative. For anarchy as you describe to be the solution it must solve all of the problems that the state solves as you have described it thus far it has not, it does not solve the problem of some other state coming in there and taking over and occupying and imposing its will upon you. Living on your compound, growing your own fruits in humanure, taking the toll roads to the free market to barter your goods under the protection of your private security association is all wonderful until a state decides they want it.

Brutalizing peaceful people is now a “superior” idea??? Statist on, brother.

A system that can't protect it's peaceful people is inferior to one that can. The basic task that all states must do is protect their territory from other states, in the absence of a state who will protect your territory from other states? How do you solve the problem of the Chinese showing up to your utopian paradise and subjugating you?

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