in #anarchy6 years ago


"If I was a dictator, I would have fixed everyone better than Stalin, Mao or Pot."

No matter if you think you are the impersonation of angelic morality, the probability of you fixing everyone else, while suppressing fixing yourself is 0. If you think that everyone who has more than you, got it through stealing from you in a corrupt way and this justifies actions to level it out... well... you still have a lot of self-fixing to do.
Saying that Stalinism or Maoism wasnt a direct consequence of Marxist ideology is the most disguisting thing to say on the subject. It's a clear arrogant statement of a sociopathic mentality of an idiot. What else could motivate neo-Marxists often pretending to be anarchists and libertarians? What are they really trying to say?
If I was in place of Stalin or Mao, I would have murdered people of different opinions more efficiently? How ignorant and arrogant can they get?
The ideology, always ending in massacres of millions of people, would not have happened if the leaders really knew the ideology, like they do!?


How many great minds have predicted the outcome of this ideology? Solzhenitsyn or Tolstoy who were in the middle of it, described it very clearly and yet, the state's useful idiots seem to not know anything outside of their illness and they blame everyone else for their lack of common sense. Coherence is not the agenda here. Screw the logic! I want what is yours to be mine and I will kill you for it! Read some Nietzsche FFS!
Shutting down dialogue between individuals in the name of their illogical and cruel collective nonsense is detrimental to society. Since logic doesn't exist for these people all they can do is fight; it's me against everyone else.
Any form of statism automatically puts its cult members in a superior position in their heads. Why would you let anyone even express their love for freedom? Clearly they don't understand your superior morality. There is no such thing as human being anyway. It is a social construct, right?


In the minds of sociopaths, true motivation of society is power and there is constant fight of the opressors and the opressed. These people will always use power to enforce their rule. This is why they have to spread the ideology that power is the motivation of all the people and therefore they should be given the absolute power to protect us from people like themselves! According to them, there is no logic, no dialog, no consensus, no psychology or even biology. There are just divisions between powergroups in constant fight for domination.
These morons; the oracles of what is true for everyone, think voluntaryists; anarchists and libertarians, are just to peaceful to understand the logic of extortion and murder and this is why we will end up being victims of rich people...
The most ignorant and morally disguisting is to say these parasites are motivated only by compassion and wellbeing of everyone, while in reality it is a form of a miracle to be that ignorant of hundreds of millions ensalved and murdered by this sick ideology of forced homogeny they keep paddling.
In their heads millions of workers becoming wealthy in last 100 years is a terrible idea that needs to be replaced with hundreds of millions slaughtered. Government control on behalf of a few rich sociopaths will be resolved with the total control; government being the owner of everything and everyone. Self-contradictory much?


Statist want to state which identity each out of 7,5 billion individuals should manifest in.
7,5 billion categories narrowed down to one worldview of a sociopath thinking everyone should see the world through their twisted mind.
They want to decide how people should be equated and what measurement techniques will be used. Their favorite measuring technic being: "whatever you have more than me, it is mine!"
Am I opressing them with what I have?
How do they exactly plan to enforce this equality, and what is the end of it?
Paradoxically categories of people are created by the people rooting for equality. If they are about equality, what are women, gay or black rights? How about a "middleaged, obesed latina mother's rights?" This route has no ending until everyone is against everyone.

How about you keep on dividing these groups just in your twiested head until you understand that there are 7,5billion individual, one-person groups?

There are 7,5 billion governments!

Young people today get easily attracted to this sociopathic compassion imbalance sect.

Intuitively we all feel that there is something wrong with the world today. Since we are told by the masters we live in capitalism, then socialism seems an obvious alternative, right?


Hey pathetic, useless whining snowflakes, do us all a favor and please stop playing murderous pseudo-intellectual games and catch up with 200 years of knowledge.


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