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RE: Chaos for the naive

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)


So cute! It is funny how someone can be taught humanity up-side-down, think he sounds smart, and defend their cult like a good useful idiot; slavery he inflicts, not just on himself but everyone else, due to his retarded beliefs... Man! as soon as I will start a sect, I will give you a buzz. You will be my top priest.

You are delusional beyond my imagination. Debating with someone so deep in his hypnosis is a waste of time... to tell you how wrong you are on all your replies, so you could bend reality to fit into your delusion again... You will die first, before you will understand freedom. Every new paradigm change has to go through a few stages. First it is ridiculed, then aggressively opposed, and when all those rabid, proud idiots die out or switch to follow the main stream, pretending they discovered it, it becomes an obvious truth. You are what church was to Copernicus. You are not on a debatable level. Can you imagine that I am not from your empire? Meeeeerica!! Baaaaah!! You are that frickin pigeon! It's amazing how you don't logic at all. You think direct answer to your delusion is not an answer, most of your answers are ad hominem... and you actually think it is me :D There is no point debating with strawman who thinks he is winning no matter what. It is like trying to turn you into a more evolved being, while you are stuck in the past... like judging a fish by its ability to climb trees. You do not have enough imagination to understand reality. You amaze me! But although you are quite tragically funny, I prefer to spend my time on making the old obsolete and build the new. You are free to be stuck in atrocity, just don't force me, ok? I think you are beyond repairing. You can't even understand what I am saying to you. And as many cult members, proud of their "knowledge"you will need to extinct to make room for more evolved thinking. I'm tired of state's useful idiots like you. Evolution will deal with you soon enough ;)
If you could only be evolved enough to leave me and others the fuk alone, and not force everyone to pay for what your master promised to buy or do... Otherwise, I need to defend from your aggression until you leave me alone. I will also protect others from you. Pay yourself for the threats made to you only. I'm good. Thank you for your ideas. Can I have different ones and not participate in yours? Why can't you get this? You really do not understand that "consent to be governed" is an oxymoron? If governed, it is not a consent. It is GOVERNED, you thick asshat! It is not "managed" nor "lead". I did not choose this authority because I think it serves me. I do not find this "service"to be beneficial. Can you get this? It chose me on my birthday, or even before, as your masters get involved in my life before I am even born. Did I choose it by the act of birth? Can my moms vagina be also left alone, please? Social contract? Where is it? What choice do I have exactly? Move to the moon? So I will put you in a cage in a rape-camp, if you: do not pay me for using the sun or growing a plant that makes me angry or my sponsor from pharma paid me, I will search you, put my gun to your head, break your arm if you refuse to go to a cage, put you in there for many years, so you are downgraded to a mistreated pig... rape your freedom... and a few thousand more threats... but you can avoid this if you get out of my area and move to the moon? Isn't Moon already claimed by your masters as theirs? :D Maybe tomorrow... You are insane! If I scribble on snot tissue that you must obey me and the whole world believes me, but you, is it OK? How dumb can you be? It is an exercise of monopoly on violence of your masters, I did not subscribe to. If I did not, I am being forced you moron. Or not? Is 2+2 still 4? What are you trying to prove? That I don't know what I don't want and who is forcing me? YOU! So one more time... pointless, as you don't get common sense, but I will ask you to leave me alone, until you will or will need to separate you from healthy humans:

If you order people around and forbid them to trade as freely and openly, however they wish, while not causing harm or defrauding anyone, you regulate their lives, you are an inhumane piece of shit. If I want protection, I will pay for it, to people of my choosing. NOT YOURS!

You are so proud of your "law"? Every country on earth has a constitution. Every dictator had/has a constitution, bill of rights... you name it. Just like you and your masters. US has invaded the entire world, using all the tricks dictatorships have learned from their mistakes in the past. You are brainfckd! You are proud of it "good German"?! Based just on this, I can tell you yet again: YOU ARE A DUMB, PROUD RABID APE! I do not want to do anything to you, apart from defending myself and others. Never will. Stop attacking me with your masters'mercenaries in costumes, while I never did anything to you. Do you want me to send my bullies to your home and demand half of your money to pay for what I want? It can be arranged ;) You do not know what being peaceful means? Instead of dictating me how to live my life, to protect me from people who might want to try to influence my life with some tricks, that I might recognize or not... could you masturbate with your "Old Glory" please? Like, whenever you feel tempted to pay to your masters for threats, what they promised to do to me, if I do not obey, could you not please? Wrap yourself with your favorite blanky and sing national anthem... Could you only pay for threats you agree to and want to be a subject of?

YOU WANT ME TO BE CONTROLLED BY TRICKS YOU FAILED TO RECOGNIZE!!! I hope these caps are not to emotional for you? Seems like you failed at being an emotional human. Or you suffer from some serious imbalance of compassion/justice. Land a shroom boobie ;) This cannot be taught or learned. You are some kind of a sociopath, if you write shit like this:

/OK you idiot, you're not angry but you wish death to a mother and her two children, you're not angry but you still haven't addressed anything I rebuked you with but did waste time attacking me and telling me your life story of "I'm not angry even"/.

What is wrong with you? This is the only thing you wrote that I am curious about. What does this even mean in your head? Are you a mother? And you think I am threatening you? Damn you lost me here! :D But I admit that I did not even read all of your nonsense. Most. You read a few lines and it is already obvious what will follow...

You confronted Larken? Really, you confronted them? Like you confronted me by twisting everything I said, as you are unable to understand logic? And you think you won a debate with them, or me? Show me. Where is it? I would love to see it for the first time. You seem to be resteeming Larken. You seem to be resteeming authors of posts about you:

Maybe this will help (I know it won't):


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