Is the Federal Reserve Blowing Bubbles?

in #anarchy8 years ago

The Federal Reserve and central banks around the world are intent on creating bubbles.

Floating in a Bubble Sounds Great, But it is an Illusion?

Just like a magician performing wonderous acts of illusion, the Federal Reserve (FED) creates the illusion that all is well with the economy. The audience is wow'd by the magician, but it is the magician and assistants that fleece the audience. You and I, who are being manipulated by the FED, politicians, and the media, wonder why the cost of living is increasing while the FED, politicians in power, and financial assistants (bankers and Wall Street) make more and more. We are mesmorized by the rising stock market, lower inerest rates, and rising home prices. Surely all is well in this land of illusion.

To keep the illusion alive the magician and assistants increase the smoke, crank up the intensity of the music, and build everything up to a mind numbing cresendo. All the while we are floating over the needle of reality that threatens to pop our bubble.

QE4: A Promise to Blow More Bubbles

Janet Yellen is talking about Quantitative Easing #4 (QE4). QE4 promises to create more bubbles. At an August meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming she laid out tools for the next recession fight like increasing bond purchases.

The Whole World in a Bubble

It seems that like the Federal Reserve, central banks around the world are intent on putting the whole world in a bubble.

Changes In the Wind

History tells us that reality has a way of creeping back into the illusion and bursting our bubble.

The seasons are changing. The fall winds may very well blow the bubbles toward thorns.

Here are several posts and videos about possible thorns this fall:

Thorn #1: Julian Assange - Hillary's October Surprise by LibertyPen

Thorn #2: Addition of the Chinese Yuan to IMF Reserve Currency in October by GSI Exchange

Thorn #3: Could The Internet Be Set To Be Shut Down On The Eve Of Jubilee October 1st? by The Dollar Vigilante

Thorn #4: Trillionaire Rothschild Warns His Own Central Banking System Is Failing and Buys Gold by The Dollar Vigilante

Thorn #5: Washington Propaganda Warns Of Putin's October Surprise - Episode 1063b by X22 Report

Thorn #6: Putin Prepares for Nuclear War Just Week After Germany Prepares for Attack by @dollarvigilante

Thorn #7: Gold/Silver Rally to Explode into Hyperdrive September 2016! - Bo Polny Interview by FutureMoneyTrends

Thorn #8: John Williams: World Class Crash Coming No Matter What by Greg Hunter


Great article. Was happy to share on Twitter. Stephen.

Thank you!

Steem on,

This bubble that the world is in will burst. It is inevitable.. We only have to look at history to see, this has happened many times before, globally, nationally, locally, it is a carbon copy, copy and paste model of the same crap. But this time there is a difference.

You cannot get away with much in the information age. With the thorns referenced above, as well as many others, these thorns tell me that the system will collapse, and what that means for the ruling 1% of 1%, is that they need to tighten controls. The controls of money is slowly slipping through their fingers as the value of their fiat currencies is becoming less valuable than the play-play money you find in monopoly.

I also believe that the collapse has been scripted. With the control of money slipping out of their hands, fear is the next driver of control. Fear of ISIS, fear of poverty, fear of starvation, illness, death, war. That is already the next agenda of control. They will even offer you a solution, on top of the other bullshit solutions you have sacrificed something for already. They have been driving fear into you since the day you were born.

The difference this time is that there are some of us, roughly 20% of the population of the world know what's up. That is significantly more than ever before. There is already a rise against the machine, and there is impressive progress coming from the 20%.

Let their bubble burst, let them roll out their plans, the alternative has seen this already, and are already building a new future without their fear tactics

Very well said!

Thank you for this comment.

Steem on,

Just saw this video come out today.

Jim Willie: QE & Negative Interest Rates (NIRP) Destroyed Sovereign Bond Markets!

90 minute video

It's funny how before the pop, the naysayers are "conspiracy theorists", and after the pop it was "obvious to everyone that it couldn't have continued".

Most (financial) news people speak like they know the reason for every news item, but few link the dots. Good to see high quality articles on Steem!

You are right. Only a few (called the conspiracy theorists) called the 2008 real estate bubble pop. There was even a movie made about it. The looming 2008 pop was evident to anyone who didn't drink the koolaid and did some digging into the packaging of mortgage backed securities.

Now there are those who are warning of the coming collapse. Will it be in 2016 or 2017? Timing is always difficult, but ignoring the warnings will not stop it from happening.

Thanks for reading!

Steem on,

They are indeed, we will never the the exact facts .


One day an "audit the FED" bill may actually make it into law. But until then we will never know even some of the facts.

Thanks for reading!

Steem on,

RIGHT NOW! We Exist In The Largest Housing Bubble EVER. By Gregory Mannarino

10 minute video

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