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RE: Teach your kids about withholding taxes - by eating 33% of their ice cream.

in #anarchy7 years ago

Respectable debate is welcomed!

I believe I understand your opinion. So you would consider it more Ransom than Theft? For example, if you don't pay your taxes, you don't get to go to parks, drive on public roads, attend public school. No that's not right, because if you chose not to pay your taxes, you go to jail. Maybe then, it is like a private transaction, where you agree for a service in return for payment. No, that's not it either, because in a private transaction, you can choose whether or not to purchase the product or service. You can even chose who from and specifically what you would like.
Whereas, with taxes, there is no choice, its compulsory. Don't go to parks? Pay anyway, or go to jail. Don't have kids in school? Pay anyway, or go to jail. Don't agree with the way they spend your money? Pay anyway, or go to jail.
If something is valued by the public, the free market can produce it more efficiently and less expensively than the government, without threat of imprisonment.
So, what would you call taxation?

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