How has Ayahuasca and San Pedro affected my practice of Anarchy

in #anarchy8 years ago

First off, I want to let you know that Entheogens are a serious commitment and it is important to do good research and be in a safe space to receive the wisdom. Do it with someone that you trust and has done it many times before.

Right off the bat, I have always been allergic to authority. I have been kicked out of schools and my mom had to visit teachers and the principal so often, the concierge knew her and greeted her every time she went to the school.

Personally, I have always been attracted to higher states of consciousness. From a very young age, my mother took me to curanderos and healers so the idea of shamanism had been in my awareness from the get go. Also, I read a lot of books on the subject and I found Carlos Castañeda extremely interesting and just devoured his 11 books.

Back on December of 2009, I had a dream where I saw the head of a snake. It was so huge it covered from floor to ceiling and was in front of the fire place. Her eye was staring at me and I felt terrified. She did not seem evil nor good... she just was... Shortly after, the snake went back to where it came from and I woke up.

During this time, I was going through my Yoga Teacher training and I became friends with a guy that had been doing ceremonies for a while and he took me under his wing. He introduced me to San Pedro Cactus and we did a handful of ceremonies. During one of these ceremonies, I specifically asked about the purpose of money and I got the equivalent of a Masters in Economics in 8 hours of interdimensional schooling. I came out understanding the economic calculation, currency issuing, tool for trade and other fantastic things.

A couple of weeks later, my friend invited me to an Aya ceremony... it was the very first for me and I felt a little apprehensive. I took my dose and nothing happened... I would see people purging, crying, and what not but I had nothing. I approached the shaman asking if I could just go home and he said to wait around. I waited probably 20 minutes and right after this, the lights went out and that huge serpent came to me and could sense my fright. She said to me: "you are not ready for me, come back later." The normal state of awareness came back and that was my first night.

Later on, I was invited to join another circle and this time, during ceremony, I was able to understand how some tyrannical individuals are tying to gain control of the human population. I saw how they were actually afraid of the message Ron Paul was spreading and they felt threatened by the message of Liberty.
In this same ceremony, I was visited by a dark entity that kept me in an electromagnetic cell where I could not escape. I connected with my friend and mentor and asked him for "light" because I was under attack. He replied to me: "Luis, I do not send light, because it perpetuates the war... I send LOVE." Immediately, something clicked in my psyche and I understood it with my cells. I was able to open up my heart and deactivate that prison of sorts and emancipate myself from this darkness and my own darkness.

This experience propelled my inspiration to seek ways to continue the message of LOVE and LIBERTY.

I felt desperation after realizing how the "bad guys" wanted to take over the world. I joined the Libertarian Party and eventually I became part of the Executive Committee, I joined Open Carry, and I started my activism on Facebook. I started Emancipated Human and I joined Jeff Berwick on The Dollar Vigilante. Everything around me became a matching vibration to the consulting firm i invited to join where we teach voluntaryism in the corporate world.

After more Aya and San Pedro, I came to understand my own impermanence, transience, and imperfections. As well as these same things happening outside of me and to be at peace with them... and even begin to appreciate them and love them. I became a peaceful parent, my relationship with my wife improved, I was able to be more present and in the moment with my other relationships as well. This was a very exciting time for sure.

During another weekend ceremony with Aya I was given the hardest gift ever received. Satori was granted to me and I was able to see the big picture, how the universe works and how life has no inherent meaning. This brought about very heavy depression, what is called "The Dark Night of The Soul" and it lasted for over 1.5 years. It was the hardest thing I ever did (at that point). I had to seek help and one of my shamanic teachers from Costa Rica took care of me and guided me during this time of new beginnings.

Once the depression lifted, I was able to understand how much freedom I had gained because I no longer lived life in auto pilot. Life no longer happened to me, I had PURPOSE and I started creating my reality INTENTIONALLY. I was able to CHOOSE a better reality and truly LIVE the ideology of the Non-Aggression Principle because I understood in my core that everyone else creates their own reality and it is very likely a different one from mine.

**The idea of Satori does not take away the human condition. One still has to work, eat, sleep... have discomfort, bad days, crummy co-workers, and issues in life... you are now able to choose how to react to life. In fact, one does not react to life anymore... one is able to widen the gap between stimulus and response to the point that its no longer a reaction but an intentional response. One of a free and self-actualized person. **


Wow, Luis, I know you in person but that was an amazing story that I did not know! Are you ready for the snake yet? ;)

thank you, jeff. we need to hang out more :D

the snake... i have been dancing with it. its crazy, wild, scary and fun! anaconda cosmica.

@emancipatedhuman, what a great question to answer! ;-)

brave and beautiful sharing. thank you.

lovely soul, i have your video coming up.

Luis, most just have to see it for themselves. Thanks for all you do to advance consciousness expansion, friend.- Dave

dave, thank you so much!

Great article! I've been very curious to explore entheogens. Sometimes I think that the reason "governments" are so against these types of substances is because those special interests can't afford for the masses to wake up. Thank you for all the work you do to enlighten humanity.

do it when you get the chance!

I could not be more encouraged by these testimonials of how entheogens are being used to inform anarchism. Thank you for sharing. Love and anarchism.

Thank you, thane! My life is my flag i wave as a testimony.

Anabell and I have talked about attending a ceremony here in Panama. We get invited regularly but my wife is really reluctant. I just can't imagine doing it without her doing it along side me.

go for it first. let her see its safe. tell her about your experience. i had to do san pedro like 3-4 times before wife agreed to do it.

The depression. I'm in the midst of it; or one much like it. Is it common? How many lose their way? Whom should I ask for help?

i think the depression came after seeing the big picture. i think most people actually feel more alive and rejuvenated after ceremony. they get a zest for life.
if the depression comes in, its handy to learn about it. it is a good idea to hang out at your local buddhist meditation center. those guys can give you good perspectives/counsel.
there is a fine line between satori and losing your marbles... one needs to be really careful.
you can always contact me if you need to talk. im on facebook as luis fernando mises

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