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RE: Response: Wouldn't Warlords Take Over

in #anarchy8 years ago
Our culture is far more anti-authoritarian than you give it credit for!
- Ad Hominem - another logical fallacy. This does not do anything to discredit what I said. People also read books and watch movies about serial killers, mass murderers, car theft, etc. That doesn't mean they enmass are going out and acting out these things.

There have always been stories and media that are anti-authoritarian. That does not mean the public acts on and believes in those things in their day to day life.

There are plenty of ranks to rise through. Corporate ranks and social ranks
And? Without a state to force me to deal with those corporation and social ranks, why does that matter? It is not a problem that these things happen. It is a problem when someone rises through the ranks of something that takes choice away and makes it no longer voluntary. People can group up. They cannot force me to be part of that group.

It'd be pretty difficult for a psychopath (unless they concealed it in some long con) to rise through the ranks in a NAP society. Their behavior would be unappealing and they would not find support.

Educating people on a principle does not make them follow it. If it did, we wouldn't have so many Christians clamoring for war
So far that is true, yet society has been 100% statist (whether religious or non-religious) in history up until this point. It has been based around the idea that someone has authority over you whether it be a Ruler or a Preacher.

That is the reason this would have to be slow. Until people realize that no one has authority over them it would not work.

You are trying to fit the concept into HISTORY. It hasn't been tried in history. Whether it will work or not is indeed speculation. WORK or NOT. It has not been done, so it would be a grand experiment.

One thing is for certain states of all sizes and combinations of ideologies have been tried. Some of them function well for awhile, but ultimately they are all corrupted and abused. Some of them kill a lot of people in their formation, and then don't work so well.

Religion is the same for the most part.

People believing other people have the authority to direct them in how they live.

So your argument here is based largely on history. That is also why Anarchism is appealing, because we look at history and see the same mistake repeated over and over.

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