The only thing you don't have a right to do

in #anarchy8 years ago

The list of things you have a right to do is an infinite list.

You have an absolute human right to smoke pot, carry a gun, be fat, act silly, trade with others, be a racist, believe in a "flat Earth", drive a car, say offensive things, have sexist thoughts, speak your mind, wear a hat, travel, learn, have mutually consensual sex, read, own and modify a home, pick your nose, or uncountable other acts.

Really there's only one thing you don't have a right to do: to archate.

As long as the thing listed above is done without archation, you have a right to do it.

Archation comes in many guises. The mugger and the IRS employee are archating. The cop and the little parasite "playing" the "knock out game" are archating. The burglar and the game warden are archating.

Archation is the opposite of anarchy. It is the use of the political means, rather than the economic means. While not limited to those calling themselves "government" it is behaving as a State acts; using aggression or violating private property. If you add archation to anything you otherwise have a right to do, you don't have a right to do it. Not that way.

And, if you try to prevent people from doing anything they have a right to do, you have become the bad guy. It is no different to use a "law" than to use a gun- if you are archating, your method is irrelevant.

You have no right to govern other people. To attempt to do so is an act of archation. Your victim has the right to defend himself (and others) from you. If you don't like that reality, stop being a thug.


Never heard that word before.
it sets my spidey sense to tingling.
Can't see how it's different from ZAP (zero aggression Principle)

It's not, other than that some people say "aggression" doesn't necessarily include violations of property where no force was initiated. (Some do, and that's fine.) But, with archation, it includes any act of violation of person or property.

I've noticed the Rube Goldberg Effect a lot lately.

thanks for inputting that one into my library. :) Ever watch the Ungrip Documentary on youtube?

I haven't. I'll check it out.

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