AnComs, climate activists, and me

in #anarchy6 years ago


Excitement! Followed by disappointment and disillusionment.

That's what I experience when I hear someone claim to be an anarchist, but then they start advocating communism.

Or when someone expresses an interest in science but then begins talking "flat Earth" or demanding I devote my life to "Climate change".

There's the promise that a person is sensible and someone I can relate to... and then they expose their "but".

How often does that happen to you?

And what issues do you experience this with?

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Also, people who want to see widespread adoption of cryptocurrency and are convinced it needs to be regulated to go mainstream.

Posted using Partiko Android

"Your anarchist ideas are cute. I used to be an anarchist, but then I grew up."

Infuriatingly dismissive. How is it more "grown up" to endorse trespass against others? I think these "former anarchists" are just people who liked to wear black and act rebellious, not philosophical anarchists.

Just today, on my "regular blog", a guy commented on this post that... well, here's exactly what he said:

"I'm not an anarchist. All flavors of anarchy are unstable and will lead to the development of the State.
I am an Autarchist. I am my own king, and my only subject."

I started to write a response that he was using a different word to say the exact same thing... but then I thought better of it and just left it alone.

Agreed. I have rolled my eyes at those folks so many times I've gotten dizzy. Their acting like a spoiled toddler is "grown up". LOL

Ironically ancap is the typical 14 yearold ideology personified

Posted using Partiko Android

[Citation needed]

Anarchism is about personal responsibility. The market is about respecting the autonomy of others. Perhaps you have misconceptions about the ideas due to your preconceptions about word definitions.

Anarchism is totally about responsibility. Anarcho capitalism is about being a selfish ignoramus, though. Capital creates hierarchy and hierarchy isnt comparable with anarchy

Posted using Partiko Android

Define your terms. "Capitalism" is used to refer to both free markets of voluntary association and exchange for mutual benefit, which is completely compatible with anarchism; and corporate cronyism and collusion, which are effectively impossible without the government because corporations are legal entities created under government law and these schemes are only feasible through government enforcement and externalizing the costs to the taxpayer. Regulatory capture is only possible with a government monopoly regulator.

Hierarchy is not necessarily antithetical to anarchism either. Teacher/student, master/apprentice, expert/novice, and yes, employer/employee relationships can be voluntary and mutually beneficial without any coercion involved. These concepts are categorically distinct from master/slave and government/governed.

Ironically ancap is the typical 14 yearold ideology personified

Posted using Partiko Android

Repeating yourself doesn't improve your argument.

Partiko glitched because I'm on the subway haha

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha-ha! I'll have to share that meme on LO... :-)

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