The Great Alienation From The Natural Way Of Life (How Did We Get Here?)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

A few minutes ago I got really tired. Tired of everything. Edward Norton in Fight Club tired.

I need to be free from all of this bullshit. But HOW? The minute you step outside you are DEAD.

You need money to survive. You exchange money for shelter and money for food - two most basic needs. And you get money from your labour. Money is considered to be the value you receive for your contribution to the society. But what if you are like me and you don't want to contribute to this society? There are no means to live of your labour. You can't produce food and you can't create a shelter.

Why is that? Its because you need your land to produce food, and to create a shelter. And if you don't own a land, you can't grow your own fruits and vegetables. Land is private or owned by the State. So you basically don't have where to go. Well, except deep wild but I am not the type of guy who would enjoy living in the woods.

While we are discussing this, have you seen the movie Into the Wild? A close friend of mine did. One day on February 17. 2014 he just disappeared, and we didn't heard from him ever since. I don't know if he is alive even. Latter we found out that he was feeling kinda like me now. We hacked his facebook, and found out some notes is he's apartment. He couldn't endure the pressure any more. That exactly how I feel now, but I don't see the answer running into the woods.

Anyway I digress, let's get back to the point. So what the hell did we created? Or better yet, what was created for us? While I was thinking about that some birds passed by, and I think to myself, lucky you, you don't experience existential crisis, you don't have to pay bills for your nest, you can even create a new nest if something happens in a matter of days. Plus you are free to roam this beautiful Earth whenever you feel like it, and move to more warm places when you are cold.

But what would happen is I just decided to do that? First thing that comes to mi mind is where would I feed myself from? Its summer now so I can sleep outside for about 3 more months. I would starve to death. Well ether that or I would have to steal money or beg for it which is not my style. What about a place to sleep? I can sleep outside because its warm not, what would I do then winter comes?

Only solution I see for these two problems is moving somewhere on the country side, find some fields where farmers grow fruits and vegetables for sale and ask them to work for food, and find an abandoned house for me to crash. But what would the quality of my life be like? I would be damned to live a life of a hobo, never have a women by my side, with no friends and nothing to aspire to, or to look forward the next day. Nothing would get me out of bed (if I had one), besides the bare necessity of finding food.

So here comes the great conclusion. Basically we traded civilizational advancement for freedom. We are advanced creatures driven by self actualization, because someone else is taking care of our basic needs. We work on other things that provide value to the society and exchange our value trough money with those who are producing food and building houses. But how advance are we if we can't live without our society? Maybe we are aliens on this planet, because we need the perfect temperature to survive, we can't leave outside, we can't walk without shoes, we can't coexist with other animals except the cute ones, we can't eat food that not processed... Or maybe we alienated ourselves from this planet, and the nature we once called ours.


Thoroughly enjoyed reading your post,it certainly gets you thinking .
I had to pack my job in,due to an heart attack 2 years ago.But what i've learned since then has changed by views of society completely thanks to the internet and steemit.

@drumsta, I came to this post by way of your comment to @joshsigurdson, I wasn't sure what kind of post it would be as I have not read any of your other posts. All I can do is upvote this post and share a couple of verses of scripture from the Bible, your mentioning the bird prompted the verses I chose. I wish I could do more for you physically, but you have the responsibility for your spiritual life and I would submit that they are connected.

Matthew 6:25-27
Do Not Worry
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

(Emphasis mine)


Wow vary adequate verse. Thanks for the support. Its been tough last couple of days. But let me explain in what way. I decided long time ago to dedicate my life to my personal growth, help others grow, and bring freedom to the world by creating a new model of society. That's why I finished Sociology - I wanted to learn about the core principles of co-existence so that I can create a harmonic model, and I have big global plans. But sometimes the pressure of everyday life gets to me man, I feel like its draining my life force, and I can't work on achieving those plans, and it feels awful. Like being stuck in an never ending cycle. I suppose that's done on purpose, so that people who wan't to change the current state we are in collectively have a hard time. I guess I wanted to know with this post that am not alone, because I certainly feel like I am in my surrounding.

Also I wanted to bring this point of alienation. We are not free man on the land, we are slaves to the system in an containment field, and there is nothing to go back to if you wanted to escape...

I suppose that's done on purpose, so that people who wan't to change the current state we are in collectively have a hard time.

Maybe the idea of changing the current state collectively is wrong, maybe you doing the changing of yourself and being a model for others to follow is the answer.

creating a new model of society.

Ecclesiastes 1:9-11
That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which it may be said,
“See, this is new”?
It has already been in ancient times before us.
There is no remembrance of former things,
Nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come
By those who will come after.

Good luck in your endeavors.


Yeah, changing myself to be the best role model is my first goal. "If you want to change the world, first start with yourself".

No worries @drumsta....we got this!!! Community is truly an answer to a lot of questions, worries and seemingly unsurpassable obstacles. You can see it here on Steemit already--when we help each other, everything becomes much easier. Support and focused attention bring about great opportunities. Steemit is like a digital support group, and at the @gardenofeden we are the living support group, living the dream. Excited to see how your journey unfolds and see in what ways our lives coincide. Grateful to know you. I appreciate your vulnerable and authentic post. Keep them coming. Upvoting and following you.

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