#FreedomFriday - Can We Have Freedom In Our Lifetime?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago

In the last decade or so, I have seen the formation of a very active and brilliant hive of activists go from thinking and talking about outcompeting the State to actually building the roads to freedom. That hive has been growing steadily in numbers and influence, but the enemies of liberty have begun to take notice.

Today, I thought I would take a glimps at the problems we are facing here in the States, and some of the solutions that are being effectively implemented globally.

The problems

The general faith in the State to solve all of our problems is really the fundamental problem with acheiving liberty. Society is tightly structured from an eary age to submit and conform to authority. At an early age, most kids are chucked off to a schooling sytem that was modeled directly from the Prussian sytem which was designed to produce workers, not thinkers.

  • The War on Drugs: The profits and violence of prohibition has increased the incarceration rate to the highest in the world. How have we not learned this lesson already?
  • The War on Terrorism: Has allowed nearly unchecked survaillance on not only the United States, but the entire globe.
  • Taxes: The most taxed society in history fuels a State of epic proportions. Endless wars abroad and stiffling extortion domestically has effects that ripple into every transaction.
  • Regulations: In the land of the Fee and the Bonded, you are free to pay for permission to do a number of things. Just make sure to account for plenty of time, because monopolies are very inefficient and slumbering at best. At the worst, they are violent thugs looking for compliance.
Some Solutions
  • Blockchain: Immutable transparent ledgers are an excellent system for concensus and accountability.
  • Open Source: It turns out we are in an age where it pays well to give stuff away and share information. Open source communities prove that high quality products can be delivered by voluntary communities.
  • Citizen Journalism: Using the above tools and concepts, this is probably the most important part of a voluntary and peaceful society.

There are places like New Hampshire where it seems like there is a reasonable chance to see real freedom. Even though the Free State Project was bastardized and imploded, activists are still moving by the thousands and working to advance the mission of liberty. There is a lot going on there and there is power in the strong and active communtiy.

The biggest hurdle with other areas is the dilution of community. Technology like Cell411 could help that.

Living in this little Liberty Bubble gives me hope, but we are a long way from assurity.


Scott Gregory | DiggnDeeper.com

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Thomas Jefferson, a wise man, is quoted as once saying:
"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money,
first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will
grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property
until their children will wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered."
I don't know if he actually said that or not.
But, it does cause alarm bells, at the very least.
(Can crypto currencies help us?)

Luckily, we have an alternative, well many alternatives, in the form of open source currency. Finally some competition.

I think crypto is already helping. We don't even need to fight the beast in the face. We simply out compete it. That should be simple enough.

I think of the hurdles that will have to be overcome to successfully get the population using crypto's.
But, I know this. We don't have a choice. It is either move on or die. Whether physical death or as a servant. To avoid that outcome, we all have to move on.
Thank you

Good post... The lobby controlled Govt. is the main problem.. The pacified Sheeple comes right behind.

I have some debt freedom...
Thanks for your upvote the other day...

Debt freedom is a really big deal. Congrats! It's well deserved. We aren't fully debt free, but it is our main focus, along with our farm.

I'm happy to be supporting your content.

I love your support... It makes Steemit work for all of us...