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RE: 3 Common GUN CONTROL MYTHS Debunked

in #anarchy7 years ago

I want to break down the first argument about Australia and how the argument is conflating data and leaving other relevant data out.
Gun Death Rate in the US = 12 per 100,000
Australia Gun Death Rate = 0.93
Note: this includes all gun deaths including suicide and accidents. These figures must be included when talking about the effects of gun regulation. The nice thing about rates is that the size of the population is considered and we are more closely comparing apples to apples. Just adding state populations until we equal the size of Australia’s population is not a viable way to reduce any noise in the data.
The analysis then goes into a discussion about a trending 3% decline in the Australia homicide rate that occurred well before the 1997 regulation. The average decrease was about 3% up to 1996. However, there is a sharp drop after 1996. From 1996 to 1997, there was a 17% decrease. From 1997 to 1998, there was a 27% decrease. There is only a correlation between the newly enacted legislation and the significant decrease, but it is spurious to dismiss regulation having no impact.
The analysis continues with a by state comparison. First off, I am not sure how it was determined which states are more “pro-gun” or “gun-friendly” but it looks like those states were cherry picked because they have low death rates. If you use the Brady score, those numbers are drastically different (there is definitely bias in regards to the purpose of the Brady score and what the Brady group implies by the score, however there is little argument in how the Brady group scores states in regards to firearm regulations). In addition, for a clearer picture, you should really compare the states with tight gun regulation to those with loose. By doing that, you can see a clear difference.
The average gun death rate of top 10 states with tightest gun regulations: 6.67
The average gun death rate of top 10 states with tightest gun regulations: 16.04
The point of this post is to make sure that when we talk about gun regulation and the impacts on society, that we use the most accurate data and tell the full complete picture. This will allow us to make the best possible decisions as society based on the data and not emotion/gut.

Sources if you want to view the data:


Typo in the post above:
The average gun death rate of top 10 states with tightest gun regulations: 6.67
The average gun death rate of top 10 states with loosest gun regulations: 16.04 is the BEST place. I read their articles every day! Thanks for the link!

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