Left Wing Right Wing You Can Stuff The Lot - Anarchy And Freedom Is What I Want - TIME FOR PEACE!!!

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

It's such a shame that most people living now are so ignorant they allow government to truly control our minds. I suppose this is why it's called "government":

Govern = to control
Mente = cleared minds

It's mind control.

This is all that government is and unfortunately so many "anarchists" are still mind controlled going along with BS ideas to thwart good Anarchists away from our principles.

So much disinformation and lies are spreading - does anyone know what Anarchism is anymore?

Today I got inspired by this idea that I've been pondering by the ol' punk band Crass - how even back in the late 70's kids had ideas better than now - where they understood the control mechanisms of politics, but so called "anarchists" now are deeply confused we don't see these smart ideas now in the so called "information age".

Back in the day we knew and understood things much better. The band Crass had a great song called "White Punks on Hope":

Punk was once an answer to years of crap,
A way of saying no where we'd always said yep.
But the moment we saw a way to be free,
They invented a dividing line, street credibility.
The qualifying factors are politics and class,
Left wing macho street fighters willing to kick arse.
They said because of racism they'd come out on the street.
It was just a form of fascism for the socialist elite.
Bigotry and blindness, a marxist con,
Another clever trick to keep us all in line.
Neat little labels to keep us all apart,
To keep us all divided when the troubles start.

Pogo on a nazi, spit upon a jew,
Vicious mindless violence that offers nothing new.
Left wing violence, right wing violence, all seems much the same,
Bully boys out fighting, it's just the same old game.
Boring f@%@%ng politics that'll get us all shot,
Left wing, right wing, you can stuff the lot.
Keep your petty prejudice, I don't see the point,

Those kids knew what's up, but I'm afraid people are so lost, now. "Anarchists" have lost their way... Wake the f#%k up... watch and listen from this old timer... give me a second of your time..

Punk has long been usurped. The Left is now a violent threat - the Right even seems more hippy and peaceful than the Left. We are truly in backward times, but it all comes down to how politics in general are useful to control people. The "Government" is controlling you.

I've been on both sides of the "Left/Right" spectrum, and am now back to being "Anarchist", but I hesitate to label myself because it all eventually gets used, abused, and trashed just all the same. But geeeez how has the Left become the evil warmongering badguys.???. I am perplexed, but not surprised... the "government" keeps controlling people's minds. Wake the f#%#K up.

The violence of the Left is astounding these days... ... We are now witnessing the neo-bolshevik revolution where they will top killing the original numbers of the Russians from 10's of millions to 100's if not 1000's of millions.

I am soooo sick of the hate - the violence - the evil. It ALLLLL works for the mindcontrollers. All of it.

I would have never thought the Left would be known as warmonger/killing wannabe's dragging the "anarchist" flag along side Communist mass murdering sludge, but here we are. What the f%k ever happened to Voluntarist principle's and the non-aggression theory? They are not "Anarchists" but evil Communists who are responsible behind 100's of millions of deaths.

Anarchists are never violent - we are about peace / love and anti-war/government. Do either and you are no different.

Such a shame to see "Anarchists" and "Communists" along side. It has never before been associated.

One of my favorite teachers is Lao Tzu. He said it best:

“My teachings are easy to understand
and easy to put into practice.

Yet your intellect will never grasp them,
and if you try to practice them,you'll fail.

My teachings are older than the world.
How can you grasp their meaning?

If you want to know me,
Look inside your heart.”

  • Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Just some of my thoughts. I'm about 40 years old. A long time Anarcho-Philosopher. I'm sure the youngster crowd brainwashed will think they are right - as all the youth these days seem so arrogant and assume they know everything, but you don't. The Communist flag and Anarchist flag should never be swung together. It's an outrage.

All Anarchists should shun any of these government fakes and not allow this BS to continue to seep in.

Images are always 100% mine unless stated otherwise.

Thanks for any upvotes/steem/reblogs/steem dollars/comments/follows!


True Anarchism is about peace and transpires beyond political affiliations, but into human to human relations and not a system of control like the army, cops, and government. Well said, brother. :)

Thank you. I want peace - love - and a foundation of harmony that transcends around the world. I truly do not understand why others don't? Digital anarchism clearly works - look at bitcoin, look at steemit, why can we not have similar ideas across the board?

I'm personally sick and tired of this archaic idealism that we must be controlled - we ALL can be free and happy. Seriously. Stop the Left/Right paradigm. It's time for peace.

Some good thoughts there! Movements get usurped to benefit a certain political class. Happens all the time. It's a pity that people fall for it so easily.
Following you!

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