The Modern Age of Legalese and why torture is just good business . . .

in #anarchy8 years ago

Some few people banded together and pulled off what could possibly be the greatest propaganda event in the history of America. The United States has a long history of plaguing the international world by stealing economic resources or poisoning or other events to create profit for wealthy industrial leaders.

So some 99 people stuck back with coordinated hijackings against the WTC (world trade center) on 911. This is the national emergency number all humans dial in times of crisis. This is why those events were timed to happen on this important date. So the American government responded as it always does; in its own interests. President Bush needed to be seen to be getting paid and working . . .

Simply he grabbed some old play books for plans to respond to different types of emergencies and did exactly what he wanted to. No one has any way of knowing the truth about how or who or why major events occur. And more importantly no one has enough credibility to be believed when or if they were to tell the truth.

These laws were enacted after 911 they would still have legal effect and were used to set up the torture camps overseas, especially camp XRAY in Cuba ( has many newer names ). After a decade of Cuba helping with logistics of committing international crimes around the United States, President Obama officiates that Cuba is not an evil empire and we should be rewarding them by lifting fifty years of sanctions.

Heck there was even ideas of letting old Barack continue in office after two terms since unemployable ex law professors are unlikely to be able to find work after initially saying he would close down torture camps publicly and then privately thanking the men and women of Americas security services for doing such a great job torturing people. He was so happy with their actions he even allowed them to write their own reports as to their efficiency and effectiveness for public consumption of course . ..

Reality is that during The Great Depression the United States President shut down and suspended the Constitution of the United States, during the banking crisis Congress and the US Supreme Court and other senior governmental officials removed the Constitution as the law governing the Nation of America.

Thus the United States of America ceased to exist, the banking and social crisis's were controlled and everyone went back to work (those who had jobs) as if nothing had happened. The point is The United States no longer existed legally, but it did not nor does it matter; people believed it did and does.

Today hundreds of thousands of laws exist and anyone with a duty to affect the law can choose which ones they wish to pursue. Thus politicians and government officials can decide what they want to do. Consider the law where States allowed environmental groups to pursue criminal prosecutions of polluters, this was passed simply because the legislature said you people are asking us to do our jobs. People said you will lock up environmental criminals. The State responded we do not have the resources to lock up violent criminals , the citizens said then give us the power. Thus government officials simply refused to do their duty : )

Today it is about selling any story people will choose to believe, I could tell you that outside Henry Fords' motor company the National Guard executed at least 16 or 26 strike protesters. Or the Mob had JFK killed or that at a miners camp one hundred years ago the US Army shot and killed women and children. I could tell you that the United States President had American Citizens arrested and tortured one hundred years ago simply because they were female and wanted the right to vote.

But who would believe a nation like The United States of America would test chemical agents on its own populations, people they voluntarily swore a duty to protect . . .

Funny thing about America ; the reason so many unlawful acts can occur and go unpunished nor prosecuted , why ? FORTY FIVE PERCENT of Congress are trained LAWYERS ! ! !

You have heard of course British Lady Diana Spencer was killed in that car accident because she was dating that rich Muslim gentleman and considering marriage? This is not something no one in the senior government wanted to consider the social repercussions about.

The point is there are to many opinions and theories, so you will never ever ever hear the truth; the only thing you need to remember there is no way the stakeholders behind media ownership of television, newspapers and radios will ever let you hear the true version. Nothing sells ratings like FEAR, PROPAGANDA and MARKETING ! ! !

No nation is as fearful, neurotic and paranoid as America ; they have been programmed this way by their owners . . .

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