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RE: Asimov's three laws. Much worse in reverse.

in #anarchy7 years ago

There is always hope. I wonder if the 3 laws of robotics can be embedded deep into the fabric of AI. We are starting to see higher orders of abstraction emerging in computers and AI. With us, we are composed of atoms, molecules, cells, organs etc. and each has a corresponding inner dimension. With computers, there are 1s and 0s and algorithms and new emerging properties such as smart contracts? With us, conscience and ethics emerges from below or manifests from above, perhaps both at the same time. Perhaps Asimov's laws can be embedded in an AI emergent that just hasn't manifested yet.


I don't think we want those specific ones.
What laws do you think would deliver the best outcomes?

The challenge with laws is that they are black and white. I wonder if researching sci-fi writers for such shows as Star Trek and the character Data would be helpful. Asimov's 3 laws could be part of it but I think some yet to have emerged technology needs to come into play, even now, programming still in binary at its fundamental level. Saying that, thinkers such as Stephen Hawking are quite concerned about AI as your article points to.

I'm more worried about people who think they're robots than actual robots tbh.

I am worried about humanity as automatons, as machines, that carry on without consciousness and without conscience. Many atrocities and evils are committed by those who are asleep, or sleep particular to your article, if we dress them up in armour and weapons what can we expect?

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