How Anarchy can thrive even WHILE man made law is enforced !

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


The mainstream status quo paints a picture of anarchy being violent and chaotic; as if people would turn into savage monsters the second they were “allotted” the freedom to do whatever they wanted.

Contrary to this belief, however, anarchy usually results in the exact opposite outcome; Peace.

It is only when mankind is oppressed by societal regulations, propaganda and covert initiatives that violence and chaos ensue on a mass scale.

As children of God, Man’s natural tendency is to give and receive love…

It is only when we have been blinded by propaganda and led into poverty that this natural tendency is obstructed.

In general, the philosophy of anarchy illuminates the truth that Human beings are naturally well-intended ; only when their way of life has been corrupted do their minds thus become so as well.

For example, most people who kill for money do it because they have been born into poverty (their country has failed them), and have been psychologically conditioned to believe that money cannot be easily attained any other way.

They have been psychologically conditioned subtly, through a variety of outside forces that act as a conglomerate, so that they may not even notice they have been conditioned.

Yet if the school they went to had taught them about the metaphysical laws of the universe, in particular the Law of Attraction, they would OVERstand that they can manifest money whichever way they want.

Similarly, man made law is a part of this psychological conditioning.

For example, the general population is indoctrinated to believe that the reason they need to obey a consequential legal system is to prevent crime and keep the general population safe.

However, this isn’t entirely true.

Man made law actually acts as a barrier to the freedom of choice that has been endowed to each being by his creator.

This freedom of choice is irrevocable by any man, group of men, or system.

Anarchy, in its essence, is the philosophy that this freedom of choice should not - and in fact CANNOT - be restricted by any authority.

If God almighty cannot even disrupt free choice (or chooses not to), then what right does man imagine he has to do so?

Evidently, opting to restrict the free will of the “general public” creates more harm than justice….

Actually, doing so disrupts justice and creates harm.

Therefore, restrictions on Humanity's actions backed by force do not make Humanity righteous or ensure a state of harmony within a community.

In fact, societal restrictions of any kind do just the opposite ; they sow discord and suffering.

The natural states of existence are abundance, bliss, freedom etc…anything that does not ensure a state of harmony, abundance, bliss and freedom is working against harmonious existence...against humanity and against God.

Make no mistake - all poverty on this planet has been artificially engineered.

Each aspect of our existence on planet earth that is not naturally abundant, blissful, expanding, blissful has been engineered by sick beings who are lost in their power and seek only to control all others.

The fact that societal restrictions sow discard is evident by the very fact that you can go to jail for life for selling a substance that is pushed by the same corrupt, oligarchal system that arrests you for selling or using it.

The substance is a tool; harmless in and of itself.

Yet a life sentence is obviously detrimental to anyone's mental, emotional, and spiritual health…

Does anyone really deserve to be confined just for using a substance that alleviates their pain, or for selling a substance to make enough money to escape poverty?

Of course not.

Any supposed logic that claims to backup such a system is a ludicrous fallacy.

The only thing the legal system does in such cases is cause psychological torture on people that don’t deserve it and literally CREATE the same “hardcore criminals” it claims to be trying to rid the world of.

In essence, the ones who control such systems are the only “hardcore criminals”.

This is evident by the fact that they cannot even be arrested for horrendous crimes.

Crimes that said monsters actually commit are said to be “conspiracy theories”.....because said monster’s power and affluence ensure that the mainstream media not report any of their “mis-deeds”.

An example of this is when the world found out about Hillary Clintons #PIZZAGATE email network…
All the FBI did was…..nothing..

And yet she was proved to have committed several crimes while holding a political office.

...This is not to mention half of her international crimes, like lynching Qaddafi.

At the end of the day, the real criminals walk while the societal victims are “charged”.

Naturally, if people are born well-intended, the legal system is just part of the overall oligarchy that limits people’s freedom and conditions us to be OK with this enslavement.

We are subliminally indoctrinated to obey these criminal systems because of their apparent “authority” to rule over us all.
They would have us believe that this authority was God-sent - that they are the only ones that can successfully maintain balance in this world.

….Who do they think they are kidding?

The only thing this system does is inflate the very problems it claims to be the only authority capable to solve.

Anarchy, then, is merely an absence of excruciatingly limiting laws and societal systems...or at least, an absence of believing them and thus obeying them.

In essence, anarchy is freedom to act without restriction; a divine right that no man or system can usurp.

How anarchy can thrive even while laws are enforced .

Even though the legal system exists and is enforced by the Protection Of Lies In Civil Establishment, (POLICE), it is ALWAYS our choice to decide which laws we want to obey, and which laws we absolutely must not.

In-deed, there are certain situations where Man made laws MUST be “broken”.

Examples of such situations are; protecting our loved ones and innocent people from corrupt LEGAL militant forces (such as the POLICE), enacting ACTUAL justice, and fighting Tyranny.

In such situations, it is absolutely necessary for Humans to act on their intuition / highest judgement rather than make decisions based on false laws that were created to enslave us.

As the majority of EArth HUmans act on their highest judgment, without concern for breaking alleged “laws” , and trust in God’s authority rather than the systems; we create a culture of decentralized anarchy.

In such a culture, humans can learn to express themselves without adhering to an insane legal system that aims to keep them trapped in the matrix and enslaved.

As we begin to recognize that this illegal system has no power or hold over us in REALITY (only in illusion) , we can begin to outmaneuver such foolish mechanisms.

By outmaneuvering and outgrowing the systems in place; we cause them to become irrelevant.

We literally shed these dinosaur systems like a snake shedding its skin.

In doing so, we create a culture of decentralized freedom (anarchy) where we “forget” to allow invasive oligarchies to make our decisions for us.

All we have to do, is stop recognizing this monstrous institution as our “Government”, and start recognizing them as our mortal enemy (because they ARE mortal).

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Great ur post.... good luck my friend @coloured-content👍

Anarchy In the USA... image

nice post! Anarchy could be the most mis-defined and misconstrued term in America. I can't even explain to my father what an anarchist actually is.. he can't grasp the real concept through all the bullshit he's been fed over the years lol so many people are like that.
This is one ass-backwards world we've been dropped into.. but it's fading fast now, the system is failing and more of the collective is waking up. :)

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