Project Magic Dragon #3 - A glimpse of similar projects running for years.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Edited version: How does PMD differ from existing examples? Why does it have to be different? What would the advantages be?

Project Magic Dragon

A Glimpse at similar projects

Hi Fellow Earthlings! - Leaving this world a friendlier place to our offspring is most certainly on my bucket list - hence my passion for doing my little bit in transforming economics to be a less evil beast to deal with, as the way in which we obtain goods and services in our everyday lives touches us all very deeply.

But taming Mammon isn't an easy task, especially as his cohorts tend to speak the subtleties of their ploys in strange tongues. And some of those subtleties are most subtle indeed - so forgive me for taking my time in getting across what needs to be communicated in order to get our battlements in place and our strategies effective in this war against avarice, which the fair absolutely have to win.

Project Magic Dragon might sound like a flight of fancy, but I promise you it is not. So I beg of you to apply your minds in all earnest to what is presented here in simplified terms, in a perhaps more lighthearted mood than the seriousness of it's intent, as the future of humankind depends on how we deal with this most powerful of our enemies, namely greed.

And now, with that sermon said, let's carry on in a more lighthearted mode with what needs to be done!

Previous posts on this subject
PMD #1 Introduction
How its fits into the bigger picture

With this post I wish to bring about awareness that there are already similar successful systems in existence, that do leave room for improvement though.

Project Magic Dragon in a nutshell

At this point in time, cryptos are predominantly either just bought with 'ordinary money' as cryptographic assets recorded on blockchains, hopefully increasing in apparent value, or they are traded for other cryptos, with the purpose of making a profit by taking advantage of the volatility in value of crypto assets relative to one another.

One of the biggest drawbacks with cryptocurrencies at this stage of the game is volatility. You can't dare sticking a price on any real things you have for sale for longer than a few minutes with some of these currencies, no matter how well designed and how fast they are. But trading real bread-and-butter stuff, the goods and services we need to sustain life and for enhancing the quality of our lives, is what we really need to do. To do that as effectively and as efficiently as we can, we need to present the value of what we have for sale in reliable terms on a platform where advertising, transfer of ownership and bookkeeping works effectively.

The goal with Project Magic Dragon is to make available a bookeeping token with a stable and sensible value and to provide a decentralized marketing system within which it is possible to easily trade real goods and services from peer to peer, using these tokens, all with the aim of providing a means by which the quality of life of everybody can be maintained and elevated in a real sense, without their natural rights and freedoms being encroached upon by corrupt authorities.


Too wonderful to be true?

please have a look at what these guys below have been doing for years

Community Exchange Systems

Is there any reason why we can't do it too?

How do they do it?

  • The Talent Exchange system (please follow the link above to find out more) makes a predetermined number of trade tokens available for free to every member of a local community.

  • The limit on the number of tokens protects the value of the Talent token against the effects of inflation.

  • Goods and services for sale are catalogued with prices in Talents and the necessary links to make trading from the catalogue easy.

  • Bookkeeping is done on an open ledger central server in every community, with each community functioning as an insulated system with its tokens only exchangable on that system.

  • Inter-community trades are done via a linking server that is in effect a member of every community linked community and acts as a fee-less agent that on command buys stuff from a member of one community and sells it to a member of onother community.


How does Project Magic Dragon do it?

PMD does exactly the same, except for some secondary differences that do not interfere with the viability of the concept:

  • The free tokens are made available in a different manner

  • The number of tokens circulating is limited in a different way

  • The complete system runs on a blockchain, with members everywhere trading on the same decentralized exhange

  • Local communities are local communities simply because logistics will have members mostly trading locally

  • Inter-community trades are made possible by the token having the same practical value everywhere

These differences will be discussed in more detail in following posts



Thanks for reading!


Kindly show this to friends that may be interested

or simply resteem to make it more visible

Thanks Again!


Playful token pic: touch pad finger paint, YT!


Interessting, I did not know about this before. Is this blockchain based, or were the points stored locally in the website?

Sorry for the delay @holger80 - hectic week!

Blockchain, yes, with all transactions handled on a specialized decentralized exchange - that's the idea, creating a trading platform utilizing free tokens, available for communities everywhere, for the sake of trading real goods and services more easily, not only locally, but also between members of different communities, should the need or opportunity arise.

@clicketyclick ~ I left a comment for you on taskmaster4450's thread...

It sounds like there are elements of barter, gift economy and time banking in this proposal... all worthwhile initiatives. We know that the current economic paradigm is falling, and that new ways of interacting with others' goods and services need to be implemented.

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