What is Anarchism? - Part 2 - The Concept of Anarchism

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

The Dialectics of Liberation: Anarchism, Existentialism and Decentralism
What is Anarchism? - Part 2 - The Concept of Anarchism

"Anarchism is the only exit and the end from all other mistaken-proofs political philosophies" - charlie777pt


Anarchism as a political philosophy that repudiates and has the goal of eliminating all kinds of coercion, believe the best government system we can get is its extinction. and authority must be consensual or inexistent.
Nowadays, local, communal, and individual autonomy calls for political action for decentralization and to get rid of the sucking web of usurped political and financial power, where self-interested decisions descend from the government to the people when it should be the other way round (bottom up).

Later in this series, we will also analyze some movements resembling anarchic in practice, like the Beat Generation, the Hippies, Punk Anarchy, and the Industrial movement, acting against traditional social order and prevaling art forms, and the affirmation of each individual against normalization and conformism.
Rightnow, I going to leave here a kind of lexicon of philosophy, with simple concepts of the several branches of philosophy related to the political aspects of anarchy, that we are going to mention in all the series.

1 - The Branches of Philosophy

Dialectical Materialism
- Arts, beauty and artistic taste - Marxism and its Practices - Science of Knowledge - The world of Matter and Things
- Systems and metaphysics of Knowledge - People's capacities for growth - Individual and human praxeology - The goal of Existence
- Behavior and moral principles -Ideals and ideas vs world perception - Systems of inference with validity - The denial of Values
- Husserl and roots of existentialism -The Truth of propositions with experimentalism - The Reason as truth in the world - Being and existence

2 - The Political Philosophies

Before we go directly to the definition of the concepts, theories, and practices of anarchism, we first here analyze and frame the positioning of the political philosophy of anarchy in relation to other theories and the political practices of the present time.

“What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice.” - Ursula K. Le Guin
As the graphic is very explicit, I will only add that there are the variables of the total horizontalism (Pyramid of Authority), that goes from the individualistic anarchy to a maximum of verticalism in the fascist or socialist collectivist regimes, with a great component of State and of concentration and control of the means of production and decision.


The current social evolution of the expansion of communication and information systems, increase the diffusion and sharing of knowledge and that increasingly brings us closer to the axis of anarchism.
Anarchy is the most viable political philosophy, by the emphasis on individualism and sharing, and against the state interference of pseudo-liberal capitalism or Marxist collectivisms.

Anarchy, like Individualism and Humanism, are against the "optimists" of democracy and break with the illusion of a better and regenerated society by the "progress" of fascism, socialism and pseudo-democracy with false liberalisms based on vertical centralization.
There is no Reign in Anarchy because we don't have to live under any uniform domination like governments imposing by Laws, and we can't make rules that forbid the difference in human beings.

“What is important is to spread confusion, not eliminate it.” ― Salvador Dalí

Chaos, assassinations, destruction, social unrest, inequality, and wars are the attributes of actual hegemonic imperialist capitalism, and not for Anarchy that it is the only solution to fix it.
An in the end the Media call Anarchy to the chaos imperialist powers generate, like the example of a mob ruled ochlarchy (mobs power) happening in Somalia today.
Decentralization of power is the best form of unstable equilibrium in the social order.

3 - Individualistic and Collectivist Anarchism

The philosophy of Anarchism agrees the State has no moral legitimacy, to make the person obey and no right to coerce, because rights are an individual attribute and not a property of statism, and it ranges from total individualistic self-reliance to complete collectivism that asserts the importance of mutual dependency of communities in federations.
Almost all philosophies of Anarchists are against the use of violence and disruptive revolution to displace the State, and sees change as a gradual process, where the individual learn to find ways to substitute oppressive laws and social and moral constratints of society.

Anarchy and liberalism have common points in the ideal to raise the will, exercise the natural rights, and the liberation of individuals, by reducing the concentration of power, authority, and role of the State.
Today there is no separation of powers between politics, economy or government because they are all living in the same House of Cards, with no doors or windows for the citizens' voice to scrutinize their actions.

"Liberty works automatically. Tyranny ever has to bolster itself up with elaborate machinery which is always getting out of order and producing the most unlooked for and grotesque results." - Francis Dashwood Tandy
Individualists believe in private property in a market economy, as well as in the prevalence of the individual needs and self-interest over the constraints of collective authority and decisions that are felt as oppression and control, like the case of Anarcho-Capitalism.
Collectivists believe in the primacy of Society's global needs over the Individual selfish-interests, stressing the problem of the consequences of a person's behavior or decisions on others, accusing the individualist of being non-sharing and selfish because they refuse to participate in the common beliefs.

I think collectivists and individualist have mutual misperceptions that an open dialogue would reveal common grounds for action and fight.
We could use the positive points of collectivism because planet Earth should be collectivized in a kind of communal federations to discuss the destiny of our "Space-Ship" limited resources and burning environment.

4 - Anarchy is "Polycracy"

Anarchy is coordination with equal participation, cooperation without coercion, horizontal organizations without authority, individualism instead of hegemonism, no superiors and no subordinates, management and collaboration without ruler alienating collective decision.
Anarchism as the practice of anarchy is a way of social organization, where cooperation and coordination have no bureaucracy ruling, rulers and State governing the economic, political, and administrative spheres.

Historically, the emergence of the Anarchism movement, had its apogee in two striking revolutions, one in the last century in Russian dissidence against the Stalinists and Leninists and another in the Spanish civil war with the free communes of anarchists, that end up being betrayed and slaughtered by the Marxist pro-Russian faction, opening a fracture that made the Right win.

Anarchy is an unattainable ideal, but the only path to substitute the dying corpse of a dinosaur that will take maybe millennia to reach its final death throes.

"Ideas are bulletproof.” - Alan Moore, V for Vendetta
But we must start now, while we can put out the fire of our planet Earth being burned for the religion of money accumulation and unstoppable consumerism.
“I die, as I have lived, a free spirit, an Anarchist, owing no allegiance to rulers, heavenly or earthly.” ― Voltairine de Cleyre

The Dialectics of Liberation: Anarchism, Existentialism and Decentralism.

Published Posts:

Introduction to the Dialectics of Liberation: Anarchism, Existentialism and Decentralism

I - Anarchism

Next posts on the Series:
I - Anarchism

  • What is Anarchism?
    • Part 3 - Types of Anarchism
  • The History of Anarchism
    • Part 1 - Pre-Anarchy - Social Revolution
      • 1- Insurrection
      • 2 - Intelectual Action
      • 3 - Political Action
    • Part 2 - Anarchy: Revolution Against The State
      • 1 - Anarcho Federalism
      • 2 - Libertarian Anarchism
      • 3 - Anarcho-Syndicalism
  • Anarchy Today

II - Existentialism

  • What is Existentialism?
  • The "Existentialisms"
  • Humanism and Existentialism
  • Existentialism and Anarchism

III - Decentralism

  • What is Decentralism?
  • The Philosophy of decentralism
  • Blockchain and Decentralization
  • Anarchism, Existentialism,and Decentralism

IV - Dialectic for Self-Liberation

  • The Dialectics of Liberation Congress
  • Psychoanalysis and Existentialism
  • The Anti-psychiatry movement

Further Reading:

Anarchism-- Wkipedia
Anarchist schools of thought - Wikipedia
Existentialist anarchism - wikipedia


Bey, Hakim (1991) 7:A.Z.: the Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism, Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia.
Byas, Jason Lee, Toward an Anarchy of Production - Parts I and II
Marshall, Peter, Demanding the Impossible A History of Anarchism, Fontana Press (1992)
Oizerman, Teodor.O Existencialismo e a Sociedade. Em: Oizerman, Teodor; Sève, Lucien; Gedoe, Andreas, Problemas Filosóficos. 2a edição, Lisboa, Prelo, 1974.
Rothbard, Murray N., The Ethics of Liberty (1982)
Rothbard, Murray N., For a New Liberty The Libertarian Manifesto, Revised Edition
Tucker, Benjamin, Individual Liberty, Selections From the Writings



Thanks as always.:)

"Anarchy is an unattainable ideal, but the only the path to substitute the dying corpse of a dinosaur that will take maybe millennia to reach its final death throes."

Great sentence! In such an energetically dense realm like Earth is, shaking off the rust of the past may look like a sluggish task to accomplish, yet we have to bear in mind:

We are the projector of our dream, having the inherent capability to tinker the screenplay by focusing WITHIN. We might say we are a tiny minority among billions of people, yet the vast majority is not aware of their creative power, hence they are in a state of dithering. The collective dream direction is defined by those few ones aware of their inner projector, and it is those who influence the collective the most. It might take time, but it will be worth it ;)

Thanks a lot.
I had a mistake in the phrase, corrected "but the only the path to substitute" "to the only path to substitute."
Maybe the blockchain can short the millennia to centuries.:)
Any change within has a spreading effect in reality outside and in our inside experience of the real world.

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