Why Mc Donald's Vegan burger is not vegan friendly. ? 😲😱🤢😡👎 ?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

OK in some ways this is massive progress for vegan community, big companies are changing to suit consumer needs, veganism is on the rise.


But WHY is this Burger NOT Vegan????

  1. Veganism is against exploiting and killing animals, this company still makes profits from this industry, therefore you are buying a product putting money into the hands of those who enslave and mass murder innocent animals just to satisfy taste preference.

  2. The rainforests are the most biodiverse places on earth, native to protected species and many medicinal plants. They are continuously the battle grounds for the 'Largest mass extinction in 65 million years.'
    Right now rainforests are being cleared for producing soy to feed billions of farmed owned cattle across the planet.

  3. If you are going vegan purely for health reasons, then why are you eating this?
    Mc D's puts nasty preservatives, salts, sugar all sorts of chemicals into its food, why is it going to be different for this burger?

  4. If you are a McD's addict, against vegetarianism, love your cheap hamburgers but see the McVegan and decide you'll go for it, I congratulate you for choosing life over death and hope this is the start of your journey into veganism but just to let you know, Mc D's ain't vegan!

  5. JUST SAY NO and join the food revolution with your friend celestial cow :) 🐮✌


This vegan burger was recently launched in Sweden and Finland and became permanent on the menu since December 28th 2017 after its successful trial period. The are tempting new customers by undercutting the average McD's burger prices, other vegan burger chains and independent restaurants.
I'm hoping this article informs you of the real cost of the burger and helps you to make an informed decision before it is launched in your country.

Check this animated page out...



** Statistics from Cowspiracy website, if your not vegan already watch it!

*original vegan burger image @WorldAnimalNews (edited by celestial cow)


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WorldAnimalNews World Animal News tweeted @ 21 Jan 2018 - 19:20 UTC

Following a successful trial McDonald’s is now selling a #vegan burger called the ‘McVegan’ at stores across… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thanks for your post! Very interesting and although it is a vegan burger they still have so many preservatives and junk in it. Great issues to really think about! I look forward to your future posts about food revolution!

Great article! They haven't started selling vegan burgers in Austria yet, but they'll do that soon for sure. It's gonna be disgusting, of course I'm not gonna buy it!

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