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RE: Anarchists of Steemit, Do You Support the Violence at Trump's Inauguration Protests? How Do These 'Anarchists' Fit in With What Anarchism is to You?

in #anarchy8 years ago

Anarchist without adjective here. That being said, no-one has authority over the use of the term. It is irrelevant what anyone thinks, says, or does. I can call myself whatever the heck I want. And don't even get me started on this whole NAP thing. The silly way in which people refer to it as if it were doctrine is proof enough that every person needs to think and choose for themselves and accept the consequences instead of starting threads about whether agreeing to a duel violates the NAP or not and other ridiculous topics. Humanity and wisdom has existed since before any of these terms were coined. The "NAP" might be exciting in an intellectual desert, but not where people have heard of "common sense."

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