A frustrating tale of a pschopath.......

in #anarchy7 years ago

The following sequence of events will have you fuming mad.. So please read on and partake in the depths of my frustrations.

To step into my shoes you will need to put on your finest psychopathic hat, and do your best Dexter impersonation, for I am an admitted, and tested psychopathic mind. No now is not the time to phone the FBI or the AFP to report me, because more people are psychopaths than you might think. Despite the fact only 1% of the worlds population are considered psychopathic and that 75% of the 1% of psychopaths are incarcerated, I am one of the 25% that writes from outside of the confinements of prison. I am not a serial killer, or a mass shooter, not yet at least, unlikely to be, but there is the chance if when the circumstances are just right I could be an utter nightmare. For now my life is relatively just how I have made it, and want it, and that I can live with blissfully. It's only when uncontrollable factors begin to influence and changes features in my life that i begin to calculate my next executive plans.

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To give you a background perspective of how one develops a psychotic personality it all starts from a young age of neglect, strict rules, uncertainty, unjust, and cruel punishment that warps a mind to think like mine. I am the 5th child born to a family that now only has 4 siblings. I was only born as a replacement for a sister who died young. The 4 of us siblings are separated by a difference of 7 years yet I was the runt and the punching bag for my older siblings anger. This lead to me being a loner, and quite antisocial at a early age. My very religious christian parents we two very different people,at home and in public, but they maintained strict rules with harsh punishments. All to often I caught the brunt of the thick leather belt of my father, mostly due to the facts that I enjoyed lying. When I was caught out I was punished, when I wasnt I succeeded and learned from my mistakes.

My father often talked of old stories of shooting feral cats with crossbows, or if my sisters ever brought home a kitten or puppy he would use the live animal as crab pot bait. Our family brutalised Cane Toads, with anything we could kill the pests with, golf clubs, tomahawks, spears, logs, rocks, spikes, and freezing them. The animal is considered a pest in Australia and a prolific predator at that, but I have learned much in the humane handling of animals since. We also would hunt for Native animals, not to kill, but to catch and release, or simply get as close as possible. A lot of meticulous planning and strategy would go into these hunts, and my tracking skills were honed to a T. To the point where if I were down wind, I could sense my mother coming my direction from over 200m away, from the smell of her perfume alone.

The final factor was my physical appearance that noticeably attracted criticism through the years. Having red hair in general is difficult in a country as sunny as Australia. Sunburn is a daily battle I needed to avoid, but to then be ridiculed for simply being who I was and what I looked like simply didnt do me any favors throughout my schooling. I would dwell and ponder on insults, rejection or arguments stemming from my situation or appearance to think of the most decisive response to others years after they had happened. I grew to boil over anger but to only unleash it at a crucial or benefiting moment, to hold onto pain, and use the negative energy to help undermine those inflicting it.

Sun Tzu explained the tactics of preparing for battle in the Art of War with terminology that was already second nature to myself. The trick is deception, to first know your enemy better than he knows you. The second is to appear as an appealing weak target to aggressive attackers. The third is to ambush an ignorant enemy with your strengths to win a successful victory.

Each element has added to this moment where I am a very capable friend or enemy to those who cross my path. To sum it up Im an antisocial loner, who can compulsively lie exactly as if were telling the truth, who can exact pain or death without feeling, an excellent stalking predator, and uses controlled anger to get into a position I can benefit from. Most of all I am controlling in all senses of life, without making those around me feel like I make them do anything for me.

This has all lead to scenario 1 : An unseen robbery.
A date out with a new girlfriend had started a morning at a waterfall in the rain forest, just over half an hour away from any real town. No phone reception, and away from any sealed roads this destination was a real natural treasure from touristic hot spots. Swimming and rock hopping we left our phones, wallets and car keys warm and dry in my back pack, high upon a rock out of sight for most passers by. I made the mistake of trusting a location that I am only really familiar with. my possessions were out of sight and out of mind as I listened to the rushing water and the high pitched peeps of blue kingfishers. I was so comfortable in company and in the environment that when I heard the distant sounds of a ford falcon motor vehicle I didnt want to rush back to make sure my bag was in eye sight. Over 500 meters away I heard the car door open and close and knew we were no longer alone. But on return to the waterfall there were no signs of the car, or anybody in it, there was also no sign of my bag....
All the alarm bells went off in my head, I knew we were ok but we were in serious trouble. Our phones, keys, and wallets were gone and so were our chances of ever getting home. No key for the car, no phones, no wallets to pay for a tow truck, and not a house around for about an hours walk. My brain panicked as I had lost control of several very reliable and controllable factors and It was my fault completely.
We walked several kms till we came across a house with a resident inside, who helped call and pay for a tow home, and in this time I couldnt help thinking of the people who had caused the trouble. I narrowed it down to the caravan park on the stretch of road, thats home to ice addicts and many other degenerates alike, who would be likely to steal for quick cash, but not steal a car they had easy access too.

In my circular thinking, trying to gain a grasp of my best options, I understood that a police report is nesassary but also useless in actually getting a result of any sought of justice. In hindsight I received a police call 2 months after the event to explain that there was nothing they could do to return any of my stolen items. So I would exact a sting on those who prey on the unwary of the area I was targeted. It was an easy trap to set, though drug users are crafty at times, they dont have great foresight to understand an ambush when they walk into one, so i bet that desperate enough people and creatures of patterns would return to an area they had previous success at.

Before going through with striking a plan scenario 2 struck : Another unseen robbery
To think four weeks getting my life back to where it was suppose to be would be hard. I had to source new phones, $1000 each, new car keys $160, new drivers license $70, University ID, Bank cards, medi care and all that jazz, not four weeks go by and im sleeping deep REM, do I get robbed. Im a heavy sleeper when I work because I need to recoup the losses Iv sustained, but even then some turd breaks into my house and takes my new bag thats on the table, which had my wallet inside and proceeds to break into more houses after my dog barked them out of the house before I could get up.
Luckly these druggos were busted on a few security cams I had around the place, but Im still waiting on the police to issue any kind of justice on these grubs, so I think its time to use vigilante justice.

Good repays good, bad repays bad, and I make everyone pay when im pissed off.
Ebay sells gps trackers for a very good price, and setting up a dumie bag, with an old working phone, a planted wallet with $20 dollars in it an a few other paper printed notes, two way radios, and a mates car and I was ready to present some would be criminals to the Long Hard Dick of Justice.
It was a very simple set up, the same waterfall, bag in a visible location with some shoes and beach towels, gps tracker in place, and my mates car parked where mine would have been. My location, in a high vantage point overlooking the road, with the backpack in sight, holding a two way radio to message in a second man in case of pursuit. The aim is not to confront the criminals, but to call in an emergency authority as if it was an active confrontation, to a location marked by the gps tracker.

The scene was set at 7am, with an estimated 1030am clinch. Running on the same time frame as the first robbery and biding my time until someone makes a stop in. 9am rolls around with nothing on the road, an with all plans im unsure if today is ganna be the day all my stars align, though 7 minutes later, the sounds of a car get nearer to the location. I can see two males, long black hair wearing service station sunnies, and a shaved head blonde haired male, with tribal looking tattoos in the passenger seat. What do you know, they' driving an ashy blue Ford Falcon, stopping at the top of the road in front of my mates car. At this point I was so angry and so excited that my heart was almost beating out of my chest, though the internal struggle of wanting to punch these two turds had to be suppressed by the desire to seek justice, and the hopes that vigilante justice would deter these grubs from seeking this kind of life style choice.

The shaved headed lad was about 29 from the looks of him getting out of the car, he had a machete in one hand as he made his way towards the back pack. The Falcon then drove up the road to pull a U turn and pick up his mate, who had gone down to the waterfall and picked up the bag and returned to the waiting falcon at the top of the hill. He hoped in with out a word and drove off. Thats when I called in my friend in waiting who I told to tail the Falcon until I could catch up. My palms were so sweaty as I gripped the steering wheel of the car, knees weak arms are heavy, vomit on his sweater already........ jks
Palms were sweaty, but my head was ice cold, focused, and mechanical like. Like I was ticking boxes off a plan going down a list, with no compromises, or changes to the plan. I had been there before in my mind, thinking out every outcome to this moment, and it was time to call in the red an blue. They had stopped inside the caravan park, as predictable as an unsuspected thief or a fox would be. I explained via phone call that two men had stolen my bag with several possessions with in it and were armed and dangerous. The cavalry was on its way, an I spent the next 15 minutes calling and messaging the old phone via facebook messenger, just to delay any real plans these thieves might have had. The phone had vibrating alarms set to a variety of times, and was a sure way to hold their attention solely to the phone and bag, not to their outer environment.

Here they were, the police, big white Holden commodore with two officers inside. I waved them down and explained where the car was the thieves used, and what caravan they resided within. It took but 3 minutes for them to come out with those same two delinquents in handcuffs and pushed into the cruiser. We followed them to the station where I received my items back and they explained what the prosecution options were. To my satisfaction I felt like I had followed the footsteps of Sun Tzu, and regained balance, justice and control in life. I was not harmed, the prosecuted were not harmed, but hopefully greatly deterred from attempting a shit bag act like that again.


It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.

- Albert Einstein

It is of my opinion without blood shed and war as a stand of resistance there is an open door for genocide.

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