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RE: Empire strikes back :D

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

You hold the rights to the authorship, but I will use it regardless of your nonsense that I may not, are you gonna get the Master to enforce it when I point out the imbecility of calling Consent of the governed and therefore Self-Rule an oxymoron?


I don't even know what this means. Your rabid foam is dripping on your keyboard and you don't make any sense. where is that consent you moron? I am telling you I do not give my consent. Will you take out Ben Franklin's magic wand and abracadabra what I just said and pretend it is my consent? again I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE ANY CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED.


conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people) with authority <- this authority is being forced on me. I did not choose it. I am telling you I do not want it. What is so hard for you? Try logic dude. It will work miracles for your brain.

Fuk your flag, fuk your country, borders, troops, wars, democracy, threats, robbery you call taxes, papers, and most of all fuk you too, because your belief in this cult creates my oppression... especially if you will still try to explain to me what I want and pretend I gave my consent. How dumb exactly can you be? You can write. Can you read?

Your obtuse, where in the definition do you see forced?

Give me an example of being governed other than by imposed authority, that only a government has the legal right to impose. "Governed" is reserved to legal force of government. They governed your mente pretty well for you ;) If you can choose the authority, it is a leadership, management etc. GOVERNED is not voluntary. Unless you suffer from a stockholm syndrome, which you do

Btw I offered resources that are 1000 deep in the count and you haven't shown even a measly acknowledgement to them, specifically, I am sure you think I am Stockholm syndrome but you couldn't demonstrate that in a million years with a logically or cogent way.

You fail to recognize that warmongering, slaughter, control of every aspect of your life is imposed on human race, through brainwashing and propaganda. You fail to recognize who makes the decision, turns them into law, that lead to death of 300 million people in last 100 years alone. You defend this cancer with all you've got. You are not a syndrome, because it is physically impossible. You are a failed human. You have a Stockholm Syndrome and this is the direct proof of it.

You fail to recognize that warmongering, slaughter, control of every aspect of your life is imposed on human race, through brainwashing and propaganda.

Why and how you idiot, why do I fail at understanding that and how (two different questions so no half explanations).

I've handed you the cheat codes to the game and you cry that it's rigged, AS IF I DON'T SEE THE SUFFERING YOU SPEAK OF AND HAVEN'T GIVEN YOU THE LIBERATION FROM IT, DIRECTLY by what I linked.

You fail to recognize who makes the decision, turns them into law, that lead to death of 300 million people in last 100 years alone.

Why and how again you idiot, put up some logic and reasoning behind your hair-brain accusations, idiot, no "or shut up" because I never try to shut people up like you and claim I'm for peace and voluntarism at the same time. You walking talking performative contradiction. (hypocrite)

You defend this cancer with all you've got.

Idiots are going to idiot, thanks for your opinion of what you think is happening based on the discernment and discrimination of an moron.

You are not a syndrome, because it is physically impossible. You are a failed human. You have a Stockholm Syndrome and this is the direct proof of it.

Proof I am Stockholm LMAO. Me, who neither licensed, insured, mortgaged is a Stockholm of the system. LMAO. Idiotic nonsense, that is the proof of your lacking in logic (I assert that this, THIS, no, this is direct proof, gawd if only you could understand how hilarious you look trying to prove directly that I'm stockholmed by your mental acrobatics that assume you know me at all least demonstrate such with cogent particularity*).

I'm not a syndrome, as if I professed anything to that extent. Less me talk and more you talk and what you know and what you are doing and done, alas such talk, it's clearly nonexistent, so anything will be more than now.

Hey, good keyboard warrioring, isn't it funny when you're reduced to Spamming memes? Muh Logic. Muh Reason.

Again where in the definition do you see forced or force? Or another way, what do you think you do when you Vote, or Register to vote, when you Pay Taxes without objections and do all manner of things such as licensing without objections?

Again, give me an example of being governed without the threat of violence, if I do not want to be governed. When you vote you are choosing a stranger who promised things you want. Not the things I want. He writes threats that I do not recognize as laws, that describe what will happen to me, if I do not obey your worldview. What is it?

  1. Someone takes your property without your consent and threatens you death, if you refuse?
  2. When you want to do anything a politician regulates and have to ask for permission?

Have you ever made demands and pressed on with them when they weren't met by the peeons that claim to be Public Servants and their very superiors? I've gotten away without as much as a warning when I speed through a school zone and didn't have neither insurance or license. Do you even Object in deed AND act/word to anything that you think and are thoroughly convinced of being forced onto you? Do you not recognize that consent is assumed otherwise and a number of adhesion contracts once you sign your name to a license, once you use a Social Security number or are unlawfully coerced into using one, do you even know the numerous remedies that are LAW, against explicitly and specifically that duress among a multitude of similar such coercion or you silently give your approval while ranting in some obscure corner of the internet? It's a rhetorical question, don't think I actually want to know which is which.

I do not make demands. I am a peaceful person. I look for voluntary agreements and I defend from aggression. You can call yourself a public servant or Santa. I never recognized any to be real. You can call yourself a unicorn if you want. That does not make you one. Do you demand from fake Santa too? You want me to do something both useless and pathetic? "Hey politician, did you know you are a politician? can you be less of a politician politician?" A politician is someone who is hallucinating and hallucinated to have rights no one has to give. If you believe in magic, it is your illness, not mine. I am not delusional. I do not address fake Santa to tell him he is Santa. He knows he is a Santa and I know he is not. The problem starts when crazy person imposes their delusion on me... like you and your fake Santa. Do you understand that bad things are bad, no matter if I tell you about it or if some dude writes it on his paper? Do you understand that a bad thing is still bad if some dude writes on his paper it is not and if I don't agree I will be killed? You moronic infant? I give my consent to abuse and murder, because I did not say it was bad? You are a retarded, sociopathic troll, that does not get basics of peaceful coexistence. How dare you teach anyone anything? Perfect example of your cult. Spreading ideas and discussing them using tech that can reach billions in a fraction of a second is pointless according to you? What else has ever shifted paradigms? Tell it to Luther King, Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus or anyone who had a revolutionary idea and shared it with others. Better yet go to Anarchapulco next Feb and tell it to thousands of people growing in numbers every day. Tell it Ron Paul who is respected by millions. Tell it to Dan Larimer on his platform, you twat, and all the voluntaryists changing this world for you, making the medieval atrocity obsolete. What is your solution? Make a sign "I'm angry and stuff"? Cry at a policeman to not give you a fine? Be a part of the system, creating it through your belief, which is the essence of the problem? You do the same crap and expect different results? Looking for solutions with the problem to solve the problem? You are insane by definition. Go ahead! Just leave healthy humans out of it. You are not on a debatable level. I'm done with you. You will never learn. You are being ignored from now on, dumb troll



Answer my question first, how rude can you be?

Let me ask you this, how the fuck does an idiot like yourself believe that those things apply to you? The news? school? Family and friends? Or did you question diligently those that matter in this situation and not some stranger on the internet? I'll take stranger on the internet over inquiring with the people who ought to know why and how those things you claim you're forced to do apply to you.

Does an employer EVER ask permission from an employee? If they don't do as the employer demands then they get the boot, period.

An idiot like me knows these things do not apply to me and being forced to things I do not wish to apply to me is the issue. I have a choice to obey or die. I do not negotiate with terrorists. I never chose them, never gave any consent, never wanted to pay, I do not acknowledge their right to control my life.

"Here is a contract, do you consent or would like to negotiate, based on your skills useful to the business? I offer you this position. Would you like to work for/with me?"

"Here is a piece of paper I just wrote, which means I have more right to your life than you do"

If you do not see the difference by now, you are a troll


I'm the troll because of your arbitrary notions of what I observe and what I do not observe, as if that has anything to do with the memespam that degrades your character even further and not only did you spread messages of hate for me and others and accused me of countless things that you have yet to substantiate in the least but you think that calling me a troll isn't your virtue signaling pathetic attempt at regaining the discord and derision that you've shown a glimmer of holding back. Freudian slip: Implode like a troll with numerous accusations against my great name attempting to defame me as a Statist and an aggressor, and here and there attempting to shut me up either by telling me to my face to shut up or by spamming a meme and attaching your nonsense above that while running as for your life in the other direction of Compassion and Peace. Muh peace in calling me a troll and degrading voluntarism to your derision of "statists". All that compassion and peace lmao.

I do not negotiate with terrorists. I never chose them, never gave any consent, never wanted to pay, I do not acknowledge their right to control my life.

Your silence in the face of their "force" is the consent, you moron.

And as for the "here is a piece of paper", tell me you idiot, do you have a License? Credit Cards? mortgage? Do you have a social you use? You don't consent to any of that you moron.

Do you see that you clearly assume before asking and insinuate instead of directing your concerns with sagacious pointedness? I never consented to any of this, and what proof do you have to substantiate that? Where is the meat and potatoes to your "I do not consent"? Is that wallet full of credit cards and bank accounts and licenses and insurances all in the name of a Corporate Fiction Person? You do not consent though, those things happened by fucking chance lmao. That mortgage or car payment that's hanging around your neck, that was all under Duress right and you made sure to let everyone who was involved in that duress and anyone that could come to your aid about it, right?

An idiot like me knows these things do not apply to me and being forced to things I do not wish to apply to me is the issue.

How are you forced when those things don't apply to you then you moron? Exactly how, if you know that they don't? Have you objected? have you demanded clarifications for any and all things that you don't know or you simply know that they don't apply to you because you are above being part of society as if your freeloading bullshit could ever muster the gall to tell a Public Servant to come back with a warrant or kick dirt.

Hey, but I'm fomenting at the mouth LMAO, I can't read (I think you mean comprehended) and think I said anywhere that you gave consent. Idiot LMAO.

I know what I meant. you think a lot of things, just the other way around. do me a favor and whenever you think something, stop, and check the exact opposite. one day your head will be yours

Stop telling me what to do by veiling your demand in advice, and don't think otherwise until you have demonstrated to be reasonable and sensible and I come to you for specific advice.

I lowered myself to your level for your convenience.

Keep telling yourself that, it will be true if you repeat it enough, as if ANY of the dozens upon dozens of harebrained accusations had anything of substance behind their venal nonsense. Why don't you try to shut me up, that should put a smile on your face of compassion and dignity which make the firm foundation of peace/ sarcasm is an art.

I am sure your arrogance and ignorance makes you think you matter, but I do not give a shit about you, just as I ignore other rabid apes. You will put a smile on my face when you start discovering who you are, realize you are a piece of shit and raise above it. Until then, you are just a bad smell; an obsolete moron, that does not matter anymore. You belong where you live - 300 years ago


So you want to tell me that I don't matter, is that part of your spreading of compassion and peace, LMAO, Spam much? I must be a piece of shit, otherwise, why would you call me a piece of shit?

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