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RE: Chaos for the naive

in #anarchy6 years ago

So... there will be chaos and mayhem without a government? That's not even funny. Just very, very dumb.

Government is established to enforce rules which are there to secure rights, without force behind the rules nobody can be brought to justice. Without rules there's no justice or order, chaos being natural to any absence of structure, people could drive down the wrong side of the road, monopolies would dominate the world without any problem and ultimately the instability of trade and economy in general would invariably lead to a lot of suffering.

Obama "the drone bomber" received peace Nobel 12 days before he became the main dictator of the US, so he could drop a bomb every 20 minutes, for 8 years of his "peace-bringing carrier".

Read the Milgram experiments then tell me that it was the order givers that should shoulder the blame.

Hitler was a madman who, without the beast of a government, would have lived under a bridge. Stalin was another sociopath, a rabid ape, who would have died of hunger without a government, because nobody would help an aggressive moron. Or maybe these people had some skills? Any abilities at all, that others need? These cretins could not fry up scrambled eggs by themselves.

Equally the Milgram experiment is key here, because it wasn't government that was to blame, or the faceless entity in Don Quixote style you're titillating at, but the numerous people who simply followed orders, which isn't a good defense for crimes against humanity such as mass murder, to bad that the faceless boots that carried the orders through won't get a glance at even when you're busy calling a painter, an author and an intellectual a moron, because it was the act of a dim mind to gain control over an entire people and receive their adoration.

Let's try some logic for a change, shall we?

Logic flies out the window the moment I point out that No, bringing someone before a jury of their peers to face justice doesn't make me a psychopath or sociopath, but wrongly asserting that "ALL" interactions must be voluntary is a type of general nonsense that cannot be approached once someone brings up the fact that rules without enforcement are neither rules nor LOGICAL.

Who can create and then enforce a rule on another person? I don't know anyone like that, apart from ubermench from government. Where does the right, which nobody has to pass on to someone else come from?

I guess you're gonna have to consider things some more, tell me, do you have a right as a business to enforce rules both of your employees and costumers?

There is nothing good about a government and I can prove it.

Iceland-One, you-Zero.

You can not prove why 300 million corpses in last 100 years are good.

The onus of proof isn't on anyone else, and you still have to make a case against the government of Iceland.

How about the theft called taxation? Does calling it something else, change the morality?

Except it's not Theft, it's voluntary by the election of the person and it's also the disadvantage you must bear if you use the benefits from Taxation. Benjamin Franklin said it best:

What is your excuse? The bogeyman? Because the world is full of bad people, and life is a constant struggle for power between the oppressed and the oppressors? Well, if you believe in it, this is your world, not mine.

It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of practical importance of having a fair and uniform justice system for national tranquility, in order to secure the god given rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of property and happiness.

If the bogeyman, an evil person comes, I will defend myself or I will call a security agency who will give me a contract I will agree to... or not.

Except that you cannot have Private Justice, you can have private security but private justice isn't Justice but the abortion of justice.

Unless the evil men, have a costume and badge freeing them from morality, giving a monopoly on violence, then I have to give up, or I will get a bullet in the head... The police, who is exempted from responsibility, doesn't have to protect you, but given absolute power over you, will terrorize, as they wish, arrives to write down what happened to you and leaves... By the way, they can shoot your dog, if the dog has good instincts for sociopaths and will defend your house.

When and where did the police get authority over their employers?

I want to be protected. You do not? I want to choose the service of a company I trust, because it has 5 stars on the net. Uber, Ebay, Airbnb etc. works? Customer feedback works? Have you been in a bank? Fools from the bank do not know that the police are already "protecting" them and need private protection? I do not want a "service" which I have never chosen and from which I cannot unsubscribe. That's dumb.

Private protection, why didn't the colonists chose that instead of self rule? They were dumb?

This is the definition of slavery.

Except that you have a duty to hold your employees accountable, yet you believe that they rule over you and are beyond reproach, you are what's wrong with the world today : you think you know but do you have any idea on what principled ground Consent of the governed and right to self rule came about?

You can look for silly excuses as much as you want. Maybe I have to move to the jungle, if I don't like your "civilization"? And maybe I should rape you, but you can prevent it if you get out of my area, huh? Am I a free man; the owner of my life, or people like you, who think that a dignitary has more right to my life than me... and because you think so, I am also supposed to be a slave ... of your ignorance? What?

Yeah the boogie man statists are the problem, not the nonsense of "maybe I should rape you".

You are indoctrinated or "taught" to believe that the mafia who gave themselves the monopoly on being your owner is necessary. Because they are performing a theater show, in which you believe in? That the gang-rape, called dumbocracy or whatever, is moral? Even if it was not an illusion for the naive people?

You're still arguing with a ghost boogeyman about what: how the "mafia" gave themselves power. Well did they give themselves the power, or are the spectators the ones to blame, the boogeyman statists?

We are generations deep in physical and mental free-range slavery. You have been programmed, "socialized" to the collectivist nonsense of an ant., in order to supress our ability for critical thinking and to disregard morality in respect to economics, freedom, and ordinary human nature. You are consistently illogical and immoral and you do not care ... because... people are bad? It's you!

O, ok, back to blaming the spectators, who are bad, not the mafia.

Logic not.

And this is why you need to give absolute power not just over yours, but mine and everybody's life, to the worst people on the planet? To protect you from a few bad people, who didn't get a job for a government? Great plan! 300 million dead in last 100 years, millions raped in cages every day for victimless "crimes", so far. Well done genius! Congrats on your order.

Classic, as if the post had any sense to expound thus far, the meaningful message:

The spectators are actually in charge of the show. LMAO misdirection or thoroughly confused by the DEEP HATE for the imaginary evil, statists.

Do you mean like the soldiers and other mercenaries of governments of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Obamer or Trump "the mad Orangutan"? Or maybe this cool dude Bibi Natenyahu? Or Smith's, when I grow a plant? You want to put me in a rape camp's cage, for growing a plant?
And what if I refuse, becasue noone can explain what is wrong about that? Bullet in my head? You want me dead? For growing a PLANT?!

Yeah, those non-man mafia. Those OTHER boogeyman which are beyond reproach and who aren't to blame as much as their idiot, dumb, spectators. Logic? Reasonable discourse? That's dumb.

This is your civilisation and order?

Because why not argue with a ghost that won't ever answer the multitude of imbecilic questions you raise as you keep asking them in rapid fire fashion and as if anything you said has a lick of inviting conversation to these concerns, line up echo chamber anarchists, Taxation is Theft.

How brainwashed exactly are you? How many more hundreds of millions have to die, for you to stop hallucinating?

Classic, it's the ignorant ones who should shoulder a morsel of blame, not the perpetrators themselves.

We were born in this cult and unknowingly let our brainwashed parents indoctrinate us from birth, with their own program. Ignoring logic and our own conscience, we allow, due to our religious belief about the authority of the rulers, the political mafia to manipulate the market and rule all aspects of our lives.

Those dumb babies who unknowingly let their parents be parents.

If you are born into ignorance, in the home of parents who live in ignorance, in an unconscious society, you live an ignorant life and die without knowing anything.

You assume that the ignorant, being born ignorant (evil nature?) can't attain any knowledge. You must have been born to complete morons and nobody let you out of the house of idiocy until now, as nothing explains your ignorance and the inescapable fate of dying a moron.

So indoctrination can be called education, hypnosis can be called entertainment, criminals can be called "leaders," and lies can be called truth, because your mind has never been really yours.

Except your mind, which having the same circumstances as the next one somehow it has escaped the pure logic: you live in an ignorant time you die ignorant. Your mind are belong to us, memeanarchist.

An interaction based on rape is supposed to protect you from rape, because you're afraid of rape? This is the definition of madness. This sect enslaves every person's with faith in a fanatical religion worshiping the government!

I won't stop now, how to rationalize that Government is rape? Consent of the governed. What you don't resist you approve.

It is really sad, that I need to explain freedom to you and instead of thanking me for being someone who cares for you to be the only owner of your life, you keep paddling these indoctrinated vomit, like a good, boot-licking slave with a Stockholm Syndrome.

O how stupid of me, I thought you were only a meanie and that's why you have such need to talk down to me, you actually care about me.

You couldn't explain your way to make eggs and toast based on how you think you're explaining anything here, least what freedom is, because free association that leads to the formation of government is always tyranny, Iceland One, you Zero.

By the way, since you obviously need a threat, created by a sociopath-politician, to prevent you from stealing or murdering, then by all means, you should be under public surveillance as much as possible. You are a sociopath and healthy people will help you voluntarily. We will hug you so long, until you understand that bad people are a tiny fraction of a percent of the society. Most are already working for a government.

Only an utter moron thinks you can hug a backstabbing sociopath, go welcome them all into your home, community service.

Why do you insist, that for the rest of healthy humans, the so-called free people need a centralized mafia that creates rules for everyone? Where does the government authority come from? I do not want them. I want to choose an authority that serves me. I want to learn from people. I want to trust a mechanic or a dentist. I want to decide who will give me a good advice and who does not.

Show me who you're talking about here when you address them as "when you", maybe then we can actually have a modicum of sense here, least you keep fanning the flames under a ghost or outright insulting the audience with "you're ignorant, you mindless slave ".

Or maybe let me try to make it superclear: could you just be kind enough, to stay the fuk away, with your boots full of shit, from my life? Could you kindly stop threatening me death and rob me to pay for being threaten? Pay for whatever you might wish. Mine is not yours. Can you get that basic logic?

Aw, you're angry at the people forcing you. Those faceless people who are missing ever-so-conveniently from the conversation, will they ever answer for their crimes? LMAO, who's gonna make them LMAO, who's court will they belong to?

Think about it. Your "evidence" for me to be subordinate to someone does not exist. If you were black in a cotton plantation and I came to free you, you would say, "but who will collect the cotton?" Fuk your cotton. I don't give a damn about your "cotton". You want to collect it? Go ahead! I do not. Do not force me. Slavery is bad. Start your philosophy of life from this point.

Free yourself because you don't sound free at all, you sound chained to your abuser.

World is changing. Catch up with the last 100 years.
You are using the blockchain technology right now? You do not know why it was created and what it offers? A government is as necessary as cancer.

Find out who you are before you repeat what someone told you to think.

IMO you're an idiot tool that regurgitated so much anarchist nonsense you think it gives you the right to insult the audience or the faceless boogeyman could bear the blame of others, and as if you could escape the fact Anarchism is government as well, and the fifty republican states could ever work without the principle of men or the unprincipled man could burden someone else with their guilt or someone could do it on their behalf, not if there's a lick of sense to be made.


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