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RE: A.G.S. - Anarchist Guilt Syndrome: Why You May be Struggling, and What You Can Do About it.

in #anarchy7 years ago

No word salad at all, its all Contract Law and Caveat Emptor. My definition of voluntary is not "theoretical" either, and you have no chance at demonstrating that people are forced or that it's involuntary, and you KNOWING otherwise won't change the facts that this is all based on contract law and you break a contract you pay, period, or contracts, promises and obligations won't mean anything. You are liable for paying taxes if you are working for the FED or are a dependent, if you are a citizen you MIGHT get away without paying taxes if you approach the situation by declaring that you're seeking information that will substantiate taxation as it applies to you, and you declare that to the people who are asking for taxes, so the tax assessor and you do it by correspondence and recording everything while using the Freedom of Information Act request to bind the servant's hands, but then again taxes probably apply to citizen depending on the State, so if you make "income" or use the Social Security Number, then you bet your ass they are entitled to their share and it's all LAWFUL, not only legal, as in maxims of law which hold REASON and LOGIC as the underlying principle.

No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent.
He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage.
He who derives a benefit from a thing, ought to feel the disadvantages attending it.
He who enjoys the benefit, ought also to bear the burden.
He who enjoys the advantage of a right takes the accompanying disadvantage.
A privilege is, as it were, a private law.
A privilege is a personal benefit and dies with the person.
One who avails himself of the benefits conferred by statute cannot deny its validity.
What I approve I do not reject. I cannot approve and reject at the same time. I cannot take the benefit of an instrument, and at the same time repudiate it.
He who does any benefit to another for me is considered as doing it to me.

If you are earnest at discussing these issues you'd be asking questions, and not slinging around accusations of NONSENSE, what word salad?

Do I have to break down the idiotic reasoning of "Declare you don't have to pay taxes in the IRS offices" after I have said that you better not enter into controversy and that even if I were to do that it certainly WON'T demonstrate anything about the issue of taxes being voluntary. You seem to keep up the pretense that all those people were forced to pay taxes, they refused and were murdered or kidnapped. I say that that's ONLY an interpretation and not actually what happened, I see the flaw of the first couple you gave me, by their performative surrender of their Sovereignty and Peace by walking into their court and saying Yes to their nom de guerre, yes to their name of war.

This is very deep and it would flourish into an intersting discussion but then you'd have to approach this SENSIBLY (instead of persisting to repeat the same assertions that cannot be backed up or demonstrated concretely at all) and give me some serious consideration and posit whatever question you have for what doesn't make sense or what you don't understand or know about.


Even people that don’t “walk into court” or make a show or not paying get kidnapped by the state. Do you disagree?

Lets stop beating around the bush though because I don't see this as genuine discussion about the nature of the state or the lawfulness and legality of taxation and lets explore then "why" they got kidnapped do you think? Simply because that's what the state does (you've been tirelessly trying to establish the lawlessness of the state and it's impunity as the underlying premise)?

The only one beating around the bush here is you, my friend.

For the last time, and then I won’t respond anymore if you don’t answer directly:

Even people that don’t “walk into court” or make a show or not paying get kidnapped by the state. Do you disagree?

Nobody get's "kidnapped". Due process.

If you want to explain how people can not pay and still not be harassed just do it already. Enough foreplay!

First you have to establish your standing as a lawful, peaceful and sovereign, free and independent living man/woman. Then after you've made public record of those facts you have to establish the claim to your name and your estate, rendering any adhesion contracts or liens that the State has on those things void. After that you must notify the IRS of your Exemption from the Income Tax, which is simply a letter saying that you revoke your ELECTION to pay federal income tax. After that you must challenge any claims that are counter to these facts, so that if any tax assessor claims that you owe property tax you demand under freedom of information act or whatever state laws that serve to give people the reigns over government in the same way to provide you with the laws as they apply to you and your property. Then you are done. If they want to harass you afterwards they are liable for any and all damages. If they do it's not because the "state" doesn't care, but because the people who are working for the state don't care, and unfortunately there is little to nothing you can do when people act above the law and with impunity to it besides follow the appeal process and continuing to establish the chain of events that led to that unjust imprisonment and petitioning any Federal Marshals and/or Lawfully elected Sheriffs to order those captors to release you and to bring them to justice.

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