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in #anarchy8 years ago

I'm sure I've said something similar about this before and others have as well.. However I often tend to write stream of thought type stuff about whatever I'm thinking about and earlier was thinking about how sports, at least.. Sports in the monopolized sense. And perhaps even in the way they are taught in public education and in a general sense, are often.. A way to promote Nationalism.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy participating in sports, and sometimes I enjoy watching some stuff, not as much as I used to, but.. I do see the positive aspects that various sports can bring. Especially in regards to teamwork and the psychological aspects of "winning" and "losing".

Though.. The way I was thinking about it earlier and I totally think this is being done intentionally by the secret powers that be... Is that, from a young age, we are taught to have pride in "our group", "us versus them".. And this is particularly evident I think when it comes to city teams and state teams and national teams.

When you're young, you're likely in some way or another through your school to support a sports team that represents your city, immediately you're developing this attitude of.. My group, versus their group! And.. The only distinction is, is that you were born in a slightly different region.

This becomes a lil more prominent and noticeable when you get up to the state level, then, you're playing for your whole state, and fuck those other states, cause.. Your state is awesome! Go your state! Go your state!

Then if you get up to the national level, in perhaps the olympics or some other world sport, it becomes.. "Murica!" Fuck those other nations! GO MURICA.

And at every single stage of this model, pretty much the only real differences are, that you were born in different places.

Now.. You could argue that in regards to the National level, that there is an amount of political ideaology that goes along with that, and you could even argue there's some other differences as well, even in the smaller regions like states and cities. But, essentially.. It's kind of like being born a man or a woman or a certain skin color and having pride in that.. It was totally out of you're control! You were born that way!

Why have pride in something like that? I'm not sure.. I have no pride in being a white male, I don't really have pride in being a human either. I'm just another life form in existence, I was born as a white human male in Sedona, Arizona in the United States of Murica... Woopty fucking doo daw, I'd rather take pride in my actual choices as a human, like being super honest and trying to help people and animals, etc..

Not the things that I have no control over. Like geographic region, skin color, gender, etc.. Like MLK jr said, judge people by the content of their character, not where they were born or what they fucking look like. He didn't say the last part.. I said that, lol. But he did say judge people by the content of their character.

Maybe if people did that more often and really took that message to heart, we wouldn't be so easily persuaded to go wage war and murder innocent people elsewhere just cause they were fucking born somewhere else. Grrrrrrr. And this doesn't apply to everyone, but there are some people who are literally so brainwashed, they will let their government do whatever the fuck they want without resisting it, as long as they get a roof over their head, some food, and some entertainment/sports games to watch. Rant over.

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