Where is the motivation and why inspiration hiding from you?

in #anarchy8 years ago

Have you ever wondered what difference the day when sincerely believe in its objectives from those when you feel it naive kindergarten? Such, who awkwardly paints chalk planted between designers. You may be trying to stop the work in full swing, and try to feel what is the motivation? And how is it different from the inspiration?

Perhaps after reading this article you will begin to look differently at these two effects, which are always accompanied by sincere people working and creating.

I think that the personal development of the market, both among growing and between growers there is some uncertainty. Mad lot of information and ideas for us to reach out overseas, where people think according to different cultural standards, because of different national identities and cultural values ??are different. All that we interpret through their language and perception filters and eventually release back into the world.

In dealing with people must feel the responsibility for the broadcast message. With colleagues, repeatedly discussed as most natural to rename and adapt some of the terms. I believe that a correct perception reveals a deeper understanding. And this leads to a better knowledge of ourselves and the world. As a result, at times, it is enough for one or two words that touches so deep that there is a desire to write an article.

I remember how once had to work on the project do not pose joy. Approximately every 20 minutes. loud dull and turns on Youtube and watch a video about the activities that I really wanted to do. I would get easy enjoyment dose followed my dreams seemed within a centimeter closer. This will enable another 20 minutes. the work piece until the accumulation of negative feelings signaled reason to postpone the works, and again look for enjoyment.

Such searches call them motivation searches. After these events, it has been more than a year spent working, searching and learning. My creative process has become much clearer when the exception of three, echoing, phase transitions. Normally, the project, they follow each other. However it happens and so that altering random.

Phase no. 1 - Inspiration

In various creative spheres people dare to use the word mystical gently - an inspiration. It is the process by which a person is stimulated to feel or do something specific, especially what is required of creative expression.

The inspiration quietly thinking young and inexperienced developers. Inspiration can be called only by the idea, which will indicate the exact direction in life, allowing you to create something unique and will bring success. Inhalation can be strongly romanticized, and the waiting is taken as a creative suffering. It sounds naive, but the youth, lack of experience and the pupil thinking is natural and necessary steps. The world would be a very boring place if we could learn from the mistakes of others.

Inspiration is spontaneous and not reusable. Therefore, stimulus, causing inspiration, over time, lose their power. For example, only so many times to view the inspiring speech, read an article or see the picture until the stimulus take action to evaporate.

All perfectly illustrated by the author Chuck Close quote: "Inspiration is for lovers - And we're just going to work."

Phase no. 2 - Motivation

Motivation - this is the reason why the entity behaves accordingly or take a specific action.

The real motivation to act is an internal resource. And this rule disregard for sticking his foot for most people. Feel naturally occurring motivation and work on your project is a large source of pleasure. When we are motivated we tend to attack the works and shall ask why this is happening.

Motivation makes us feel really great. Madly targets are made possible the birth of unexpected ideas, boldly moving beyond the comfort zone. The brain is distinguished neurochemical, which allows us to try and therefore you feel good. The inner critic remains off, and if we know how time focusing, we can spend time very productively.

Therein lies the danger, because we tend to tie up any pleasure-causing factors. Just as a small child, the adult human brain is subconsciously begin to require motivation from the outside world, as if somewhere a mother who immediately tremble and feed us again. When the motivation is not, we tend to look for anything that it sparked. Inspiration, in this case, acts as a starter for the motivation and thus begins his search.

As I wrote before, inspiration is a spontaneous thing that comes from the outside. This does not mean that inspiration can not be found in searches. Rather, it is that inspiration usually appear somewhere, sometime, quite unexpectedly. Therefore, the search may take a very long time.

Phase no. 3 - Emptiness

Throughout the ages, identify and grasp the motivation, people invented a lot of names. One of the most notable is the Muses.

Professionals know that the wait for the revelation of Muse is tantamount to self-condemnation to die in hunger. Muse comes to those who worshiped them serious, honest work and determination to keep going. At the holy believer, tortured creator embraces Muse and then - eureka! Motivation lights, everything becomes clear and the work begins to melt hands.

However, it is that neither the inspiration nor the motivation is not. Instead, where yesterday was the belief is uncomfortable emptiness. Hands does not arise in the case and try to convince themselves to work - and to blame the hammer themselves falling out of hand. How, then, to send an inquiry muse?

Motivation can not exist without the express purpose of why you are doing one thing or another.

Projects to which sometimes have to work, is carried out in the name of a single goal - money. The financial reward is pleasant and helpful, but that alone is simply not motivate me. Maybe, when I stand at the luxury store cheese it inspires me to make a little more, but the cheese created motivation is short-lived.


100% agreed on all 3 phases!

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