So You Think You Know American History? Part 2

in #anarchy7 years ago

Meanwhile… back in the British Empire, the Fraternity of St. Thomas of Canterbury, had “certain liberties and privileges” confirmed to them by Henry III, in 1216, according to Knight's Cyclopædia of London. “Edward I also confirmed the same.” This would eventually lead to a far more formal royal charter in 1407, by King Henry IV. This was granted to leading overseas merchants, based in London. It was a regulated concern, under the guise of a guild. The members, of the Company of Merchant Adventurers of London, exported cloth primarily. Their specialty was white (undyed) broadcloth. This leveraged quite a spectrum of imports.

British Ship.jpg

What was just delivered was the official beginnings of the British Trading Companies. As it would turn out, these trading companies were just another name for multinational corporations. Their shares were traded. History will point to these organizations as the birth of a monstrosity.

More charters were issued until the one for the Honourable East India Company (HEIC) was granted by Queen Elizabeth I on December 31, 1600. The HEIC became the granddaddy of all atrocities that the British trading companies were to commit. At its zenith, the HEIC had over twice the size private army that the motherland did. It was they who annexed India.

The company then accomplished the Moose-in-the House Syndrome when they developed a lobby in the English Parliament. Before fascism had a name, the British trading companies consummated their marriage to the state. Days could be spent detailing the misdeeds of the HEIC. I will leave that to you, the reader, if you choose.

This brings us to April 10, 1606, when James I chartered two joint stock companies. The companies were called the "Virginia Company of London" (or the London Company) and the "Virginia Company of Plymouth" (or the Plymouth Company). Except for the designation of territory, the charters were identical.

Early Jamestown.jpg

There were many factors which were responsible for such a high percentage of deaths, especially at Jamestown. The top of the list was sheer arrogance. Secondly, both charters, contrary to the touting of self-governance, was pure communism. The flaws of human nature were on full display as these immigrants did not feel they had to work and could simply gather from the common storage.

Worse yet, The British governor, John Smith, started to send raiding parties to demand food of the Powhatan Confederacy. This sowed the seeds of destruction of settlements and colonists a few years later.

Within four years of the Jamestown beginning, the socialist experiment was jettisoned in favor of “Here some acreage for you. You have a lump sum tax of 2 ½ barrels of corn. You get to keep the rest.”

Indentured servants, who were made homeless via the English version of the Enclosure Movement, would come and die. Before long, they were replaced by full-bore slaves from Africa. The history of the Britons and then of the Saxons has largely been one of ruthlessness. Under the cover and guise of Christianity, secret societies came to America. The demon seed had a new foothold.

In Part 3, we will explore stateless societies in America.


Thank you for shedding light on these despicable actions!

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