in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


Self-Ownership IS the key to your own personal Sovereignty and FREEDOM without a Communist net. Just ask Adam Kokesh. He’s an expert on Statist Justice.

But let’s jump right on into what most people are afraid of. Warlords and Murder in the Chaos of Lawless Anarchy.

In an Anarchist (Capitalist) Society anyone can kill anyone. There are no laws or police to arrest anyone. There are no jails either. Only Privately Funded Binding Arbitration.

In the case of a murder, the regulation and/or initiation of force is via private binding arbitration not the police.

Ie. where someone or some people (First Party(s)) who is still alive is injured by the death of someone else (second party) which was caused by a third party..... then Through private arbitration companies they can And will use legitimate Force to exact compensation from the third party perpetrator, but only to compensate the first party for future losses of Love and/or Revenue that the dead (second party) would have provided to the first party(íes) if the death was determined by the private arbitrator to actually be unjustified murder.

What about children you ask? You say the child owns itself too? Of course it does but no one else but its parents and grandparents has standing in the event of its death. Until another party can can make a legitimate claim to the dead kids’ estates or future revenue or love And or affection, no one else can initiate an arbitration suit or the initiation of force necessary to exact just compensation.

What if the perpetrator(s) refuse to provide the compensation ordered by the private arbitrators?

Well, in the old days, in India, before prisons were a fad, the perpetrator’s sovereignty was taken by the injured parties and he was placed into involuntary servitude of the inheritor of the estate. Legitimate Slavery, but With no watchdogs to monitor their treatment. This is how elite families defend against poorer folk trying to take their stuff.

If people have the means to Pay off claims when forced to keeps people out of slavery but making claims of damages against people who could not pay simply resulted in servitude to them.

If you’re asking to prove it. Watch a Bollywood movie and check out their cultural acceptance of a wealthy injured party exacting personal revenge on a perpetrator. We call it vigilante Justice; they call it just compensation. And I realize most Indians aren’t Muslims but you can check out sharia law on how they arbitrate crimes between injured parties. Criminal prisons are a last resort among their culture; favoring involuntary servitude and executions.

By advocating for Anarcho Capitalism And concentrating on the individual’s sovereignty, you should also be aware of how corruption of arbitration can turn it into something worse than the system the US has created for itself. But Not the Chaos that people fear; but only the exacting swiftness of “Privatized Just Compensation” in a world with no hierarchy of law we only have the reputations of the Arbitrators to rely on.

Yes, we are all defacto slaves to the state but with highly regulated and monopolized use of force arguably defending its slaves better than any mahama or sheik could. Or do you disagree?

Regular people in the US view anarchy as pure chaos. But it isn’t.

There was a time when humanity lived in pure anarchy where warlords were raised to protect the freedom of his nation and nations were taken into captivity by other nations; And within it all... people really did develop ways to coexist in a binding arbitration way of life.

Gun powder changed all of it, And in its wake, humanity has created the modern State.

Today, we do not take a stand on this question. [Anarchists] today state only the purely conceptual aspect for our consideration: the modern state is a compulsory association which organizes domination. It has been successful in seeking to monopolize the legitimate use of physical force as a means of domination within a territory. To this end the state has combined the material means of organization in the hands of its leaders, and it has expropriated all autonomous functionaries of estates who formerly controlled these means in their own right. The state has taken their positions and now stands in the top place. The Last Paragraph is a Quote from Max Weber - 1946

  • ADConner

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