How Globalists See People

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


50 Million anarchists overrunning the Capitals may work. But I doubt there are that many people who want to be free.

The person who said that it is viable is scraping at the edges of treason; Another fictitious law. I remember it took the aid of another Foreign power to oust the British from colonial occupation . (France) then they went bankrupt. Also he is scraping at the edges of the definition of illegitimate and it’s multiple forms; that the current defacto accepted situation is literally the definition of legitimate..... Legitimate immorality.

Check out Brian’s video. @highimpactflix

The conservatives and liberals are both and all slaves and the Elite have designed it this way but Anarchists aren’t going to free anyone through waking them up (most people don’t want to wake up and won’t) nor will they through violent measures. Freedom has to be changed from the inside through peaceful means. We aren’t going to get any Foreign help or empathy like happened with Apartheid though because most people want to be democratic socialist slaves to their elite benefactors.

Most people are trained like that horse tethered to a plastic chair. He’s comfortable in being fed and groomed by his owner.

The system has been stacked against us. Like the system confronting the people of Boston just before the Tea Party... Just before the revolution. There is no place to go though. The 1% has the middle class surrounded by 25 Million ENTITLEMENT Addicts and the 435 people in charge of defending my treasure and freedom cannot hear me, because each one represents 750,000 people, but who have designed a Tax System requiring everyone to submit evidence of their income and allowable deductions to make sure they redistribute it to the addicts.

Before congress was capped at 435 members we had a great country. But since then we’ve been mired in two world wars and since Vietnam the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) has raped the Treasury And convinced the World that America is the Superhero Policeman And it needs our protection. So we’ve given the MIC every dollar we collect in tax revenue and borrow the rest from the FED bankers just to operate our Government. And FRANKLY Hiklary And the Democrats And Most of the Republicans continue to support the MIC. Anarchist capitalists, represent a break from that way of thinking but the media has us trapped in a world where Trump’s waist girth and Israel’s Capitol matters more than rebuilding our infrastructure.

Here’s why we need to unify; however. Globalists have caused And continue to spread the socialism and Training that turns people into wanting that Ficticious Tether.

American Multicultural Nationalism is how “We the People” fight the Evil Globalist Cabal/Empire. The elite call it populism and really despise it. The United States has barely seen any quarter from the non-stop protests fomented by the useful idiots of the left causing the weak-minded on the right to stand up and defend the putrid memories of white supremacy.

I'm not in Favor of Globalism in the sense of how it's practiced between competing globalist agendas; agendas that put the United States on par with other countries or worse collude against us.

For ordinary people Protectionism is necessary when nations compete unevenly with regards to unbalanced statistics summarizing remuneration for labor in any given market.

True Globalism eliminates national borders; but Hegemonic Global Players seek cheap skilled labor making China so popular in the past which has created Chinese Globalists within the communist state. The competitiveness of the Chinese will soon wane and even they will be looking to outsource labor. That's the attraction the non-Chinese Hegemonic Globalists have with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); to lock up (lock in) other Asian Countries to prevent China's Hegemony from availing themselves to outsourcing their increased needs for cheap and skilled labor in the future.

In essence Today's Hegemonic Globalists are not in favor of borders due to national protectionism and taxation but enjoy the exclusionary benefits the cheap skilled labor can provide for Multilateral Trade deals that exclude blacklisted foreigners.

They are truly evil as companies move south and east causing that giant sucking sound predicted by Ross Perot.

We need a real national identity to fight the globalists forces, but with real representation levels.

referring to my previous post on how to fix our Nation. It’s counter intuitive but it’s the only way to fight the Globalist Cabal.

response to Brian at:



This answers the strategy part of my question on the other post, but is there any tactical (not a high sounding rant) that can be actually done?

Yes. Nationwide, we need to unify the Anarchists with the Conservatives without the left being able to make accusations of racism. And organize marches and protest In the Name Of No Taxation without Adequate Representation knowing full well that the goal is to eliminate big government and deficit spending and the MIC all together.

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