Deconstructing Rothbard: Enemy of the State

in #anarchy7 years ago


Deconstructing Rothbard (Murray Rothbard).

Have you Ever considered that Murray Rothbard was as wrong as Karl Marx was but at opposite ends of the spectrum?

I say It’s not the State that’s the problem. It’s lack of common sense and lack of understanding human behavior.

After Studying the Behavior of Rabid Communists and Rabid Capitalists I’ve realized that both fail to understand the Human Paradigm. Or worse, each strives to divide the people who lean towards ‘that’ direction while knowing the difference and concealing their intentions.

The Government of the U.S. is now a perversion of the Government our ancestors created for us. Perverted by the Same families who created the Federal Reserve and Fractional Lending; which families manufacture disasters to continuously take greater control of our legislative processes. We have gone from a perfect anarchocapitalist/minarchist society to a socialist one in about 100 years which is about to peak soon when we implement universal health care here.

Our legislative process is in flames and Rothbardians are running around jousting windmills in fantasyland looking for a roadmap to get out of this Socialist Sand trap failing to see the reason we’re in the sand trap.

The special interests took ownership of our social ideals through astute propaganda and burned down our legislative processes as they capped the ratio in congress, causing congress to get more and more diluted with every census; compared to population levels.

The problem isn’t the State it is the fact that we the people have been shut out of access since the 1950’s as populations explode and our ratio of person to congressman allows the “Hegemony” to fund each and every election. Increase the House Take Back control over the National Budget and the MIC.

Lets get into the deconstruction:

I have to start by saying that the Modern State has allowed people to cast off the Chains of Monarchy and burn up the Caste System. But the families of Charismatic men who seek autonomous rule have been successful in reimplementing Tyranny and Control; it’s not the State’s fault. It’s our ancestors fault who allowed the Congressional Cap and the creation of The Federal Reserve, social security, fractional lending, funding the MIC, going gold broke, fiat currency, and finally enslaving us to Saudi Arabian Oil production.

So let’s talk about the State that Murray thinks that we don’t need.

“It is infinitely better to rely on the pursuit of economic interest by landowners or street companies than to depend on the dubious "altruism" of bureaucrats and government officials."

  • Murray Rothbard, "For A New Liberty" p.252

”It is intimately better too create a free state where all people equally participate in government (Taxation and legislation) while Vigorously protecting the individual rights listed in the U.S. Bill of rights, plus a couple more; than to depend on the altruism of Corporations to provide a healthy velocity of money.

  • Andrew Conner, just now.
    Re: Eisenhower Economics vs. VooDoo Economics. To be discussed later.

The fact of the matter is that companies hoard wealth unless the State takes it in the form of taxes. This is where we should discuss Eisenhower Economics with high tax rates and liberal deductions vs Voodoo Economics with low taxes and no real deductions. But first we need to discuss the legitimacy of taxation and jurisdiction for the sake of the Rothbardians.

John Locke on Labor Theory Of Property: Locke basically said that land ownership is only by specific labor of agriculture. However he was faced with a frontier that offered unlimited inventory of land.

Also, Murray Rothbard, in his book “Man, Economy and State”, said ... If there is more land than can be used by a limited labor supply, then the unused land must simply remain unowned until a first user arrives on the scene. Any attempt to claim a new resource that someone does not use would have to be considered invasive of the property right of whoever the first user will turn out to be.

These concepts imply that Land must be, “actively being”, used to be privately owned; that absentee ownership is invalid ownership. Hence Speculation of land ownership leads to defacto slavery as all land will eventually be parceled out. But, That’s not how it’s ever worked. Maybe right after Noah’s flood. But not any more.

Our society values Conquest. Which is the definition that allows all Title companies to insure private title of what was formerly native indigenous peoples lands in the United States of America.

The way it is has been and will forever be until the fall of the Western Hegemony: The United States claims original ownership via Survey and Patent of every bit of land within its borders, by Conquest, Treaty or Purchase from a previous sovereign owner.

The act of Claiming Ownership of the Land, Legally Describing it, Surveying it, and creating an unopposed original patent, constitutes being the original sovereign owner subjecting every subsequent owner to its will including taxation as a Covenant Running with the Land Whether you signed the original contract or not. Regardless of what Murray Rothbard or Locke say about it.

It’s the scale and time frames of the States Original Ownership that people have trouble understanding that there is a contract to pay Property Taxes or Annual Tribute.

Property Taxes are also legitimate taxes which are based on an implied contract by taking title through the State’s Original Ownership Patent of the Land and joining the chain of title down to you and other owners of adjacent lands.

The same concepts work for Criminal Jurisdiction as well. Sovereignty and Jurisdiction was automatically reserved at sale of fee simple title, and delegated back to the states, counties and municipalities based on the Sovereign’s original ownership. No agreement or signature from you or me is required. However you’re free to leave to gain your sovereignty somewhere you and your army can conquer.

However in the US, “we the people” are supposed to be the beneficiaries of the Federal Corporation not it’s Subjects, but subjecting ourselves to the Criminal statutes our congress creates.

The Criminal Tyranny we are living in Today can be reversed simply by organizing and motivating the beneficiaries to expand congress to a ratio of 1:30,000 as originally intended. Eliminating most of their benefits as congressmen. Using technology to meet and vote in congress by televisual conferencing (closing Washington DC turning the whole of it into a national Park and museums). And returning the Senate to be as Representatives of Each State by vote of each State’s Legislature not a redundant popular vote.

Troy Eckles, from Petersburg Illinois writes in response to my diatribe on a Face Book Page of “Being Anarcho-Capitalist” being a response comment on a meme of a libertarian holding back an Ancap from reaching his goals:

”What you are suggesting would be just as radical as libertarian anarchism and just as hard to convince people, probably even harder. I think I’ll stick with trying to convince people to be consistent with their beliefs. It makes much more sense to point out that proponents of government don’t believe theft, murder, slavery, or kidnapping is acceptable on an individual level so they shouldn’t believe it is acceptable for the government who simply changes the name taxation(theft) , war(mass murder), the draft(slavery), or incarceration for victimless crimes(kidnapping). “

”Have you ever considered the Rothbard and Marx spectrum to be this, Marx believes in the extreme case of institutionalized aggression and Rothbard believes in non-aggression, ultimate good vs ultimate evil. Other than the degree to which you wish to use aggressive violence against your neighbor to calm your paranoid delusions of what might happen in the absence of the state, you are really no different than Marx. You cannot justify using aggressive force against someone else’s property, try all the mental gymnastics you wish but it all comes down to believing in might over right when you believe in any form of coercive government.”

”Btw the move from Monarchy to Democracy was a step back from liberty, under monarchical rule the state took a thousand years to grow in power and take away liberty, under democracy it only took a little over a hundred. Under democracy, since anyone can rule, it attracts the most manipulative and power hungry people in society to seek these positions of power and the fact that they are merely temporary care takers rather than owners of the government as in a Monarchy they have no incentive to preserve its value so they pillage as quickly as possible in the short time they have, it is analogous to the tragedy of the commons and is why democracy is only compatible with socialism and Monarchy with capitalism. Probably why the average income in Lichtenstein is over $100,000 a year and are the closest thing to a libertarian society in the world.”

This was a great response and clearly outlined the fantastic ideals of Anarchy + Capitalism. Clear and Unambiguous Fantasy and which of course left no inclination as to how to sway public opinion to the non-aggression principals. I’ll assume it’s implied that we are simply to lead by example until something better is created or a better society is suddenly spawned from the carnage of enforcing victimless crimes everyday by being that beacon of light of change.

Eckles delving positively into Monarchy was a bit surprising but I myself have often thought about the benefits of this idea being the idea that a monarch has an ownership stake in government therefore it makes sense to conclude his desire make things work but alas history shows us too many people being ultimately corrupted by ultimate power.

But here was my actual responses at that time:

I believe in the Kingdom of Christ the ultimate monarchy but until then we need to fix the system we have not eliminate it because it’s not that I believe in Might over Right as being Right; but that that’s the way it is and will always be until Christ returns. Elimination of the current state will only encourage everyone with no respect for property to take their chances living a life of crime. Analogous to the Wild Wild West.

I'm a Citizen of my State and Subject to the Fictions that the Federal congress creates as well as my State. When I bought property I accepted the State's protection of my Title and also accepted its subjugation..... "Subjugated”, to use the words of the sovereign movement for context, not mine.

I'm not inclined to be a sovereign. It's too expensive to raise an Army to fight off the interlopers or the men with guns and badges who have sworn fealty to the Sovereign’s law to collect taxes on the title and fealty to the ideas and Fictions created for us to protect our rights as humans..... And our property rights. Otherwise it's constantly dealing with Interlopers without due process or rights protected by the law....

So the answer is to get back in control of Congress.

Do you have any other road Map in mind? To protect ourselves from the current congress? Other than go run hide the highland way?

There is a difference between warring neighbors and the legitimacy of taxes and being subject to criminal codes enforced by the sovereign’s agents which Sovereign holds those rights due to its Ownership of the Jurisdiction.

It’s not mental gymnastics to understand that the original owner can retain sovereign ownership and sell rights subject to his ownership. Demanding tribute and compliance with community standards that it codifies including a requirement to sign up for the selective service or leave the realm....(or rebel and conquer).

The United States simply traded the monarch for a legislature. Downgraded or upgraded is purely subjective as William Wallace would testify to.

Currently the wealthy lords and Rothbardian think tanks have convinced the "Poor Conservatives", by propagandizing the hope, that anyone can build their own empire through their own labor as long as taxes are low or nonexistent, But that is unsound logic based on a fantasy that you can get rich in a vacuum.

Anarchy and Voluntaryism aren't the red pills. You understand the current paradigm is the result of 2000 years of governmental adaptation; that Turning our nation into an unsustainable utopia where the people directly interact with each other as sovereign beings isn’t going to make America any better. It will pit neighbor against neighbor and leave our flank wide open to Foreign Invasion. Now that Putin is so popular and charismatic it’s not a forgone conclusion that people would fight against his Army anymore.

We have a Bill of Rights in our country and those who have sworn fealty to that fictional set of laws are still there protecting our Freedom Of Speech and to assemble and to own property and start businesses.

Yes, We still have a bill of rights. The problem is the special interests using their economic influence to encroach into our rights because of the fact that our voices are diluted. Congress is capped and currently serving at a ratio of 1:750,000 instead of the constitutional 1:30,000.

And direct democracy is pointless. We have to have a small filter to keep the trash in line or they'll vote their way into the exchequer as they are now and bankrupt the whole system; and Anarchy is a pipe dream for Sovereign weed smokers.

Here are the details on the cap:

Congress was capped in 1929 at 435 representatives. The original ratio was 1:30,000. Now since the cap the people's voices have been watered down to 1:750,000+-. This also allows the special interests to fund and control OUR congress. Increase the number of representatives to levels it cannot be bought and controlled and we take back our country plus we increase the opportunities for a real multi party system.

This isn't expanding government like hiring more deep state employees to extort us but merely bringing government processes closer to our living rooms and providing better accountability.

Based on The US constitution's suggested representative ratio of 1:30,000, we should have 10,800 U.S. Representatives. Actual: 438. The actual ratio gives the People a voice of 1:750,000+- (We are virtually mute in the ears of our representatives. The only people they hear are the special interests). The states are better but still diluted:

Texas: Suggested-833 / Actual 150
Actual Ratio is 1:166,000+-

Florida: Suggested-676 / Actual 120
Actual Ratio is 1:169,000+-

California: Suggested-1,308 Actual 80
Actual Ratio is 1:490,000+-

Delaware with the lowest tax burden of any State has the best ratio of 1:23,000+-.

And our voices get watered down more and more every year as the ability of the special interests to control elections gets easier and easier for the private lobbyists with all the money to control elections and tax policy to favor the 1%.

Sadness comes because I know the system has been stacked against us. Like the system confronting the people of Boston just before the Tea Party... Just before the revolution. There is no place to go though. The 1% has the middle class surrounded by 25 Million Entitlement Addicts and the 435 people in charge of defending my treasure and freedom cannot hear me, but instead have designed the Tax System to cause the middle-class to support a consumer class which system doesn't tax the 1% like it hurts a small business owner.

Now on to the Economy discussion between Eisenhower Economics and Voodoo.

I’ve renamed Eisenhower Economics as Organic Economics and decided to write a separate piece on the subject. Here is the link:

Have a great day!


"Anarchy is a pipe dream for Sovereign weed smokers."

One day the bankrupt feds will lose control and it will be anarchy. Eventually government will decentralize bringing more focus to smaller communities. People will grow a sense of "neighbor love" and start contributing to rebuilding their dilapidated communities, most of which are screwed up from EPA regulations. I think once there's a fiat collapse, there will be a call for more precious metals, regulations will be lifted, and our mines will be up and running again.

Buying silver now for when the Western Hegemony Collapses. Check out my next post; preparing for the Rapture.

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