Conquest Vs Anarchy

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


Anarchists like to remind everyone that you cannot delegate a right we don’t have. In real estate you can’t sell what you don’t own. But you can conquer territory and claim Sovereignty. Just ask any royal family from any country. I suppose that culture comes from the Vikings being the most recent people to invade and dominate Europe before the modern era of Gun Powder.

In United State’s America we didn’t delegate any rights to the government. We can’t delegate any rights to Tax our neighbor to the government. No one has that right, but it can be created through contracts of fealty to the fiction of the rule of law and acquiescence by the people.

The US government has simply taken that as its right and defends it viciously. It conquered this territory and allows us input solely through a body called “congress”.

Many people are brainwashed by the State to believe that we cannot defend ourselves or directly contract with someone else to defend ourselves and our property without having a government. The government has created a monopoly on the use of force as well as the regulation of the use of force without our consent by Conquest.

Today we do not take a stand on this question. Anarchists today state only the purely conceptual aspect for our consideration: the modern state is a compulsory association which organizes domination. It has been successful in seeking to monopolize the legitimate use of physical force as a means of domination within a territory. To this end the state has combined the material means of organization in the hands of its leaders, and it has expropriated all autonomous functionaries of estates who formerly controlled these means in their own right. The state has taken their positions and now stands in the top place.

At this point in time Anarchists must become part of the system to take Control of congress and thence control the government which controls this territory.

Then we will have the opportunity implement real morality.

Become united in expanding congress to 10,000 representatives enough so that it cannot be bought and we will see how accountable they become when they are voting to steal their actual neighbor’s money in the form of taxes. Otherwise it’s just a bunch of principled talk and the only change is for the worse.

Yes, the government is the Super Predator and “Criminal Gangs” are the result of secret rebellion from the illegitimately instituted, So-Called Rule of Law, And American/English/Viking Jurisprudence.

It’s Counter Intuitive but if you study the history of politics and sociology beginning with the link I provided above you too can begin to see the Truth.

My problem in all of my diatribe isn’t Anarchists’ politics it’s the fact that they eschew participation in the system to change the system being simply happy with waking people up.

Well my work has been a failed attempt to get people to see legitimacy in Helio think; that some ( a lot) of people consent to, accept and support the system of Conquest. Mainly those who benefit from it (which is a lot) not just the sheep.

There are multiple sides to every opinion. No matter how objective a woke Anarchist thinks his opinion is.

Seriously though. The Nation is quickly spiraling into socialist ideals; how are Anarchist Voluntaryists going to make positive moral changes to our governmental system with 25 Million Entitlement Addicts being fostered by Globalists bent on turning the whole country into Addicts?

The only window of opportunity that we have is Seriously eliminating government spending and congress has to do that. They won’t unless they see each one of us as a neighbor who has no Right to steal his neighbor’s money.

EXPAND CONGRESS TO 1:30,000 as intended by the Constitution And use technology to hold remote meetings.

Turn Washington DC into a Big Museum.


You know people have been brainwashed when they think voluntarists like you and eye are enemies to them and the state. I have almost no hope in reforming the government. You can't really win a game that's been rigged from the start.

That will require the undoing of many old and new teachings that the majority of Americans believe. And after all, some people will believe a news segment over an informed individual. We have some serious rewiring to do lol

Not really that many. Just one:
If you want to make a difference in the world here’s how but first we need to end the Two Party system of puppets and handlers and gain third party seats in Congress.

Congress was capped in 1929 at 435 representatives. The original ratio was 1:30,000. Now since the cap the people's voices have been watered down to 1:750,000+-. Making our society VULNERABLE to the special interest Lobby allowing the special interests to fund and control OUR congress preventing the DIVERSITY it needs.... Increase the number of representatives to levels it cannot be bought and controlled and we take back our country plus we increase the opportunities for a real multi party system.

This is NOT EXPANDING THE STATE or expanding government like hiring more deep state employees to extort us but merely bringing government processes closer to our living rooms and providing better accountability.

Based on The US constitution's suggested representative ratio of 1:30,000, we should have 10,800 U.S. Representatives. Actual: 435. The actual ratio gives the People a voice of 1:750,000+- (We are virtually mute in the ears of our representatives. The only people they hear are the special interests). The states are better but still diluted. The EVIDENCE-BASED statistics are as follows.

Texas: Suggested-833 / Actual 150
Actual Ratio is 1:166,000+-

Florida: Suggested-676 / Actual 120
Actual Ratio is 1:169,000+-

California: Suggested-1,308 Actual 80
Actual Ratio is 1:490,000+-

Delaware with the lowest tax burden of any State has the best ratio of 1:23,000+-.

And our voices get watered down more and more every year as the ability of the special interests and the Vulnerable hoards they’ve created, to control elections gets easier and easier for the private lobbyists with all the money to control elections and tax policy to favor the 1%.

Sadness comes because I know the system has been stacked against us. Like the system confronting the people of Boston just before the Tea Party... Just before the revolution. There is no place to go though. The 1% has the middle class surrounded by 25 Million ENTITLEMENT Addicts and the 435 people in charge of defending my treasure and freedom cannot hear me, but instead, they have designed a Tax System requiring everyone to submit evidence of their income and allowable deductions causing the middle-class to support a consumer class which system doesn't tax the 1% like it hurts a small business owner.

Convince congress to expand congress would be a great way to viscerally affect each member, so that they see every single constituent as a neighbor. This will cause them to seriously reflect on how their legislation affects their actual neighbors.

From the earliest days of politics, it has been those with wealth who control the power. Despite the best attempts of various nations through the ages to keep power non-centralised and incorruptible, the scum always floats to the top. However, the powerful have convinced the public that they are the ones to follow, they have the money after all.

What is worse is the sycophantic star worship that people have been convinced to engage in. The movie, television and music personalities have a lot of political influence and everyone hangs off their opinions, even if they have no freaking idea what they are opining on. This star worship has carried over into US politics where there is a cult of personalty surrounding each candidate and people are not interested in voting on policies anymore, just in the name of the politician.

The first thing to realise is that the legislation passed by governments is over-reaching and not actually part of what their role or function is. The next thing is that not much can be done about it while the majority of people remain convinced this is what the special people in power are there for and that they are granted special powers to make laws and control the populace because of their position. I do not care how much money or fame a person has, it does not grant them special insight or wisdom, and sure as shit does not grant a right to rule over me and everybody they perceive as below them!

I’m certainly not personally advocating rulers. Just outlining the futility of resistance except though the approved ways.

As Brian at High Impact Flix says, 50 Million anarchists overrunning the Capital may work.

But I say he is scraping at the edges of treason; Another fictitious law. But remember it took the aid of another Foreign power to oust the British. (France) then they went bankrupt. Also you’re scraping at the edges of the definition of legitimate and it’s multiple forms.

Yes the farm animals are slaves and the Elite have designed it this way but we aren’t going to free them through waking them up (they won’t) nor through violent measures. It has to be changed from the inside through peaceful means. We aren’t going to get any Foreign help or empathy like happened with Apartheid.

The reason why most things happen the way it does is due the level of information the citizens have just like You mentioned that they have been brain washed. There is a need for reeducating them.

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