Anarchy vs War Debts.

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)


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Following the American Revolution (which freed the colonies from a Monarchy), and the Incorporation of the United States of America - It was deeply in debt to foreign nations who financed the war machines.

We had our “National” Sovereignty not withstanding an individual’s Sovereignty but they created the Bill of Rights to raise individual’s rights above the State and the above needs of the Mob without due process naming each citizen as a contractural party. And/But The State still had to pay the war debts, so this has never yet been put into place as a policy; to seek individual acceptance of citizenship, it’s simply been universal by birth within the territory defended by the state.

The US had to raise money through taxation of its “citizens” to pay the debts. I won’t go into how that was accomplished except to say that the US allowed the crown to still own and operate its businesses but after the revolution the crown was made to pay just as every other business was made to pay because the “Patriots” conquered and took the colony’s sovereignty from the Monarchy, for the new state.

However, The nation was subject to interest in its loans just like any other business was as well. Making true independence as much a dream until it could claim financial independence as well.

It wasn’t until a National riff occurred causing a civil war did the Union decide to shake off its financial shackles.

While George Washington was the Father of US sovereignty, Abraham Lincoln was the Father of American Independence from European Banksters.

Seeking funding for the Civil war the money lenders offered loans at such high interest rates which would have continued America’s dependence on European “Money”. They thought they could use the riff to double down on their choke hold on the Union’s finances.

He refused their attempts at National Usury And created the Greenback to escape their control and was wildly successful. So successful in fact that he supported continuing the “Emergency” financial measures after the war.

But no one was granted personal sovereignty. If you want it you need to take it for yourself and raise your own army to protect it.

Today. The New World Order is Socialized Fascism mimicking the Nazis but without the eugenics and racism, And So, we need to defund the MIC to take to back our Economy, Freedom and our Country; But individual rights are under attack every day by the socialists; without another mass political solution they will continue to Think that Democracy allows them to vote away our assets from each one of us.

We are all overtaxed and outgunned and our FBI And Military are fighting ghosts spending all our money and failing on counter terrorism in both Foreign and domestic arenas. They and the MIC spend all our money And we have to borrow from the FED just to fund our basic non military operations.

It’s sickening; we are all still subject to the Sovereignty of the United States of America because it is able to defend it. But it gives us all the ability to be represented and input into how we are governed.

If you want freedom from taxation, run for office and fund your own special interest PAC to eliminate personal taxation.

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