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RE: Marxism, Capitalism and the State

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

the left is mad because they think that a billionaire shouldnt be allowed to be president because in their twisted mind, its some sort of "Facism" which they DONT understand they think facism is just the merger of their TWO biggest fears, BIG BUSINESS and the Government, thats all they really know, as if someon teacher in jr high told all these kids "yeah facism is the merger of big business with the state" which is not very accurate but whatever, thats what they think trump is
they fail to realize that the Trump organoization is NOT some infuential geopolitical fucking mastermind think tank its a fucking hotel company so relax...its like....They think business is SOOO evil

they REALLY believe all busines is evil...they dont see any of the god it proovidess
they write "fuck capitalism" on their iphone sharing it to sicla media they dont get that capitalism is already changuing becoming the "sharing economy"

HAHAHAAH Uber and AirBNB are Karl Marx's fucking dream come true haha they fucking loved that idea of a farmer being able to rent out a tractor and people sharing stuff, but people always argued there was no way to actually share stuff fairly and keep track of it all, but now there is with smartphones and computer networks LOL so you can just do all those time keeping property sharing sharing economy mechanisms and its a dream come true, cyber communism lol but its beyond what they dreamed

im scared we will end up with socialism no matter what, NOT the sort of socialism we have known...this will be like space socialism

space communism

like if the soviet union would have gone to the moon and then what??? how would a soviet sysyetm work in space??

and thats a masterful Zarathustra quote! "The State is the coldest monster of them all. And it coldly speaks this lie from it's mouthy: " I , the State, am the people" " (I took the liberty to rephrase that archaic sounding english translation of late 1800s Nietzchean German and translated back into more relatable common Internet English. I wish Walter or David in Alien covenent would hav quoted Nietache

Its all about Fully Automated Luxury CAPITALISM dunno WHy people had a stupid idea of fully automated luxury communism, its fully automated luxur capitalism where everyone is at least middle class ...the poor will be a tiny minority of people who are just bad with money...there will be low quality but fre houses for people, and higher quality housed available for people who find ways to make money ...


Although I think Uber is a bit overrated, the commissions there are awful, so there is a lot of room for improvement there, it will probably go away in a few years and replaced by some blockchain based car rental system.

But otherwise I agree, capital is the force that will create wealth and opportunity in this world.

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