It's not a four letter word so stop treating it as such

in #anarchy6 years ago

If (nation) states can secede from a union, then it stands to reason that a county can secede from a (nation) state. If a county can secede from a (nation) state, then it stands to reason that a township can secede from a county. If a township can secede from a county, then it stands to reason that a city can secede from a township. If a city can secede from a township, then it stands to reason that a neighborhood can secede from a city. If a neighborhood can secede from a city, then it stands to reason that an individual can secede from a neighborhood.

Since the (nation) states known as the colonies were able to secede from the British Empire in order to form a new union, then there is no legitimate reason why the individual should not be able to choose to secede from said union. Contrary opinions are just that - opinions - and are antithetical to freedom.

#VacateTheState #IndividualSecession #LiveFree


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