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RE: Am I a hypocrite?

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Clearly you're not a violent individual. Hopefully that's the case with most of us. It's difficult justifying spilling the blood of innocents, as it should be, and having these reservations regarding cops should be no different. After all, there are men & woman behind those badges. That being said, perhaps a little different perspective might help. Cops represent the heavy hand of the state. That is their purpose. Numerous court decisions drive this home, along with the fact that as the heavy hand, the state is who they protect and serve, not the people as we've been led to believe. Many court cases also remind us that as the heavy hand for the state, they are under no obligation to respond to people when called (911). That is a service they provide at their discretion. The state created the US Citizen and is at war with them, as they are enemies of the state. The lowest rung on the political ladder. Calling them slaves would not be inappropriate. By the same token, calling cops jack boots would likewise be appropriate. In my mind, the good badges wouldn't stand by & watch the abuse of innocents, even though they're taught that those innocents ARE the enemy, so they are just as guilty of the same abuse. To me it boils down to this...US Citizens are such by way of contract with the state. So the real question becomes: does one really want to war withe state via contract? Or seek a peaceful inhabitance upon the land of their birth, thereby nullifying any contracts and ceasing to be the enemy? After all, gov'ts #1 job is to preserve and protect private property from any enemies of the state. They use cops for that, not peace officers. That was a long winded way of saying i believe your moral compass, in this regard, is just fine lol.

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