Why The Tyranny of Corrupt Governments is Massively More of a Problem than Terrorism Could Ever Be!

in #anarchism7 years ago (edited)

We hear so much from mainstream media and politicians about terrorism and their absolute assurance that we simply must keep diverting ever more money and resources into fighting it.. somehow.. And yet we very rarely ever hear anything about Tyranny! Why is that I wonder? Could it be that our attention is being diverted away from seriously tyrannical activity and onto Terrorism as a way to distract us from what we need to be focussing on? Could this be a concerted effort from many politicians to carry out an agenda of personal power gain and more?


What are Terrorism & Tyranny?

For me, 'terrorism' is essentially defined as 'threatening a government/nation and the people in a terrifying way' and tyranny is defined as 'governments/nations controlling/threatening the people'. Thomas Jefferson, 'founding Father' of the United States of America defined Tyranny as:


Tyranny and Terrorism are, in truth, essentially one and the same thing - with one exception, that terrorism doesn't bring with it the badge of alleged 'respectability' that comes along with the violent, imbalanced and tyrannical acts that are carried out by government agents. When a government agency acts violently and in a terrifying way, it is often done in a way that denies aspects of reality and that attempts to project an image of 'correctness' about the whole situation that should not be argued with. Terrorism, on the other hand, MAY also have such an image of respectability to go along with it - but does not require it. If a government acts tyrannically, without also attempting to appear 'correct' in doing so, then the people see this and it will not be long before the government is rejected and finished - one way or another.

Which is worse, terrorism or tyranny?

Considering that tyranny is essentially the same as terrorism, except for the extra layer of denial it is obscured with, it is therefore clear that tyranny is the more serious problem. Furthermore, people with allegedly good intentions create and support the governments and do not intend the government to act in an evil way, yet may then become the victims of their own creation when those in the government turn against them. The badge of respectability given to government can mean that innocents then, ironically, become labelled as terrorists by the government, when they are only responding to having been pushed up against the wall by the tyrannical government and without knowing what else to do, their actions cross the lines of an every tightening (and often arbitrary) definition of what constitutes terrorism. The power to stop the created government from overpowering the people will always be found within us all, yet many are hugely overpowered and are disconnecting from their ability to make the called for changes.

In many cases, true terrorism is actually a mis-directed response to tyranny and in many more causes there really was no terrorism at all, but the tyrannical government simply defined it to exist and took action to silence dissent in a way that would otherwise be unlawful.

Government power can be a valid threat.

It is government that holds much of the massive power of the military forces and thus must not only exercise real and enlightened restraint, but must truly set a balanced example for others. Just as the founders of the USA forewarned, as have countless others - it is this power that when left unchecked, poses the real threat to all life everywhere. The perverse wars of aggression our Earth has seen in recent years are not a balanced response to any of the events that were used as their justification - this has emerged in the years since through a variety of channels - yet those conspirators who were involved are still free and even sometimes still hailed as heroes instead of war criminals.

This video of General Wesley Clark, for example, makes clear that the US administration had fully planned to invade Iraq years before the events of 911 and so too several other countries, some of which have also already been hit hard militarily:

The denial and lies surrounding the massive death 'rituals' that are our modern wars is palpable and the threat is real and is a threat to ALL of us.

The current state of tyranny.

Where governments are overpowering the people, they forfeit any claim to represent the people. At most they can claim to truly represent a majority of people and not all people - provided that these people actually agree to be overpowered (which may occur when they have been mind controlled and programmed to go against their real true needs). In this case, the government only has the right to overpower the majority of people (only those people who agree to use overpowering and to be overpowered) and does not have the right to overpower those who choose to not be overpowered.

Governments are servants of all the people and as soon as governments and agents of governments take the stance that the people are subservient to the government (whether overtly or covertly), tyranny is occurring and this is one of the most serious and dangerous of all imbalances. Immediate actions need to be taken to restore balance when tyranny is being enacted. Sadly, this is the actual situation in many nations currently.

When sincere questions are avoided by government agents as to the roots of their supposed 'authority', 'jurisdiction' and claims of position/hierarchy, once again these agents show that they are not in their right place.

The only true and useful role of a valid government is to maintain balance-points in society.

Balance-points are that which ensure everyone is free to be as they prefer, without overpowering anyone. Balance-points ensure that everything that is truly needed is abundant, free and that free will is respected in every way possible.

Balance needs to start in our own heart and in that way is initially a balancing of self, which can then be reflected in the world too. Balance is defined as 'no part is overpowering any other part' and by re-membering this simple truth and also diligently ensuring that nothing is being denied, we are ensuring that balance is always found and we can rapidly experience hugely beneficial change that serves us all.

By first learning to find our own balance points, we can then identify the balance points that are needed in society and takes steps to rectify things when imbalance is manifesting in society. We all have some responsibility here and although we may be thoroughly dis-heartened by the history of 'politics' on this planet, that is no reason to assume that we ourselves cannot bring an improvement through right action, right timing and right intention.

Documentary: It can't happen here

The following video is a great overview of the reality of tyranny on Earth today, narrated by Larkin Rose - I recommend it to anyone who seriously wants to take action to improve life on Earth:

May we know who we are, know unconditional love, plus heal, balance and evolve!
Ura Soul

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Certainly a threat. Gov and banks need a wakeup call and hopefully crypto is a step in the right direction

Sadly, the nature of fiat currency means that cryptocurrencies can quite easily be disrupted and controlled simply by those holding the reins of the infinite money printing machines choosing to use their weight to buy into cryptocurrencies in a dominating way.

Yeah great post.....well said @ura-soul ) upvoted sure !

Thanks! i followed you - we clearly share interests!

Snap, you just opened my eyes to tyranny. Always knew what the government does is wrong because they can do it but I can't...but didn't know to call it tyranny.

There are forces at work which we can do nothing about. And these in power will strive to achieve complete and total power.

We need to learn to be self empowered now and then all problems can be resolved. <3

The government is most certainly a terrorist organization. Just the mainstream media alone is responsible for almost all terrorism in the world, they conjure up fear porn and propaganda to manipulate the masses into thinking the world is a terrible place. It will definitely take some time, but i think we are well on our way to breaking the programmed masses out of the cult of big government.

They are certainly a big part of the conditioning process, yes - though they couldn't do what they do without them being given the space to do it by the large numbers of willing 'viewers' :/

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