Anarchy offers nothing. And that's the point.

in #anarchism8 years ago


The problem people have with anarchy, is that it is the anti-thesis to what they are used to, that is, when people think of solutions to large scale problems, things that are actually happening and things that could happen, they look for a SYSTEM to fix it rather than individuals, including themselves. Individuals have flaws, everyone has that “heart of darkness” that is constantly illuminated in many of the stories and art we indulge in. Our scary, selfish egos are lurking in the background waiting to kill and exploit for our own benefit. And because of that, people feel they need some type of deity outside of the individual to fix it. So they put their faith into a system of governance, rather than themselves and their personal communities.

Well I don't see anything religious about this, do you?

The SYSTEM will fix things. That's the mindset of statists. Anarchy completely lacks a deity (government). So it doesn't really matter to a statist whether or not you can show them how well a certain thing could function in an anarchist society, the fact that it is anarchist doesn't satisfy their need for the comfort a system (a powerful deity) brings them. Gods make guarantees, anarchy does not. Anarchy won't help you if you're hungry, anarchy won't make sure everyone is equal, anarchy won't keep your lights on and your water running. Anarchy offers you nothing. Anarchy can only show you that it's the individual and the communities made up of individuals that provides and protects you.

I'm sure you've done a pretty damn good job explaining how X will work, and more efficiently, in an anarchist society versus one with a government only to be met with something like, “I don't know, I still think it would be nice to have a government around…” Why can't they see the light? Because it requires a completely different mindset. They want a god and so they are arguing for a god, where as you are arguing for the individual, who, naturally, pales in comparison. You might as well be trying to explain to them how Jon Jones can beat up Superman (He can't. It's fucking Superman).

It's one thing to be good at Muay Thai. It's another to be good at it with four knee caps.

Not to mention that a state practically IS a godlike thing if you blatantly cheat by attributing all the things it's done to itself and not the individuals who do it under it's guise. So before you can even get anywhere you have to explain how their deity isn't even real, it's made up of individuals, all having those same, scary flaws (people in government more so than anyone else). And that rather than looking to some type of system to fix things, since they aren't real, you have to look to the individual, and how well the individual understands things such as science, psychology, etc. And so at that point it becomes an argument about what's best for the individual. Which should obviously be autonomy (what makes someone an individual). Also, what should the individual be like? Well, moral and intelligent for one thing. Would moral individuals govern others? If you stripped away the the idea that people in government are acting upon some magical authority called "law" and instead acting of their own will, would you call them moral? I don't think so.

When we argue for anarchy, we don't expect it to fix things as if it's a new deity to sit atop the throne. It's the job of men/women to fix things. This is absolutely critical to the anarchist argument. Only after this can we start to establish the details.

Anarchy is not the solution. The real solutions come from only one source, strong, intelligent, moral individuals. Are you one of those?


Anarchy is definitely not the solution. The solution is to not follow anyone blindly. We have to understand the fact that being legal doesn't make something right. People are not supposed to do what their government wants instead government is supposed to do what the people want.

Sorry but do you know what the entomology of government even means? Knowing this you would know how false your statement is.

anarchy is a scary word.

you could use its other version that Bakunin used : libertarian socialism

Every time the word anarchy has been used in the enemedia, in school, it's been a bad word and oh so scary. That's one reason people think badly of anarchy.
Fanatics serve no cause, not even their own.

id be up for voluntaryism, which is now a necessary word since anarchy has been hijacked and sensationalized. I don't see the problem with rules, just rulers and the unspoken threat of violence masquerading as "authority"

Anarchy never says no rules... IT IS NO RULERS!!!! it is those who rule taken from the equation. For Anarchy to work all conscience beings need to understand some fundamental rules! These are usually what can be extracted from most religions. Thou shalt not Kill, Thou shalt not steal. etc....These are basic common sense rules mostly "do unto others as you would have done to you".....

Also I might add humans would have to give up "pets" can you see this happening?

Yup. Voluntaryism is anarchy, just rebranded as a strategy against the propaganda that has led to the assumption that anarchy equates to chaos.

I can see many things happening, but I agree with your other comment in this thread: it's too hard for people to see past this system.

Very nicely stated. I hope you'll give us an "introduction" post soon... I've followed you, and will be watching for that! ;)

I'll get around to it, then. Thanks for reading.

"No rulers" that is it. Sure it has been propagandized to death including the "punk" era when we were soooooo close as a people (at least in America) to push aside socialism to jump head first into anarchy. However due to recent events it has become very, very apparent that as a whole America has to fail after capitalism as socialist (sounds very scary doesn't it?!?!). Can we survive X numbers of years as socialists? UGH shutter.....the feeling I get is not so tingly at least not thinking of morally responsible citizens not trying to trample each other just to survive and get by. But wait no, no, I need that welfare YO!!! Errrrrr.....communists unite?!!? (extreme sarcasm at the end...)

In all seriousness I recently asked my dad if he thought if humans could survive without a form of currency. If man was ready to be morally responsible. It was a simple "NO". Who would pay the teachers, cops, firefighters he says. "sigh" was my reply. Seems some of us just cannot see past the "system" it seems. Knowing this how can we ever move forward? If all we ever do is look back?

Anarchy offers somehow a plan for a different tomorrow !
Anyway for me anarchy is not a "system" or a "solution"
Its a strategy, an action, a network tool, a package of principal towords different forms of fundamental principals : economy, socialism, politics, education, spirituality, etc etc
(just my opinion)

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