Rethinking Anarchism – Visions For A New Society Built For The People By The People

in #anarchism4 years ago

" If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable. " -Murray Bookchin


You can’t walk around in today’s world wearing your ideologies on your sleeve without getting at least a passive aggressive look or two out of it. Fun social experiment. Try at your own risk.
We live in a world in which everyone has an opinion on everything, and everyone wants to share their opinion on everything. Worse is the fact that we all like to think that we’re always in the right. That’s why I radically chose the left lane.

Anarchy has a bad rap because its true nature is often misconstrued.
"Anarchy? You mean chaos? "
"A society needs rules to be one that is viable."
"Such a model will ultimately resort in failure."
But the question to be asked is how much longer are we willing to let our current dominance-based capitalism focused system fail us?

Anarchy doesn’t necessarily imply the complete absence of institutions per say – but it offers a different way of looking at them. A new way of looking at them. A better way of looking at them.

It proposes a model of organization that is built on three fundamental principles:
1- It is antihierarchical (goodbye hierarchy!)
2- It is decentralized (Little shoutout to BTC while at it) (Goodbye State!)
3- It is rooted in equality. Same equality for all. We are all equal in who we are as human beings, no matter our individual differences. (No one is above the law! Can’t happen anyway as we, the people, make the law!)

Anarchism doesn’t advocate an "each man for himself" way of life. To the contrary, it fosters help through the community that we are - as we are a community, and this is our society, our work in progress, that we continuously work together toward. We collectively make life work. We collectively make choices together to benefit our collective greater good.

Before I hear you scream "UTOPIA", or "This only looks good on paper", here is what I have to say.
No matter the system, no matter the society, no matter anything – there will always be problems. They are inherent to life and to interpersonal relationships. However, that does not mean we have to call it quits, admit our defeat and not hope and work toward constructing a new society. One that is made for the people by the people.

We don’t have to remain alienated for the rest of our lives. Change, by its nature, is extremely hard. It requires the painful process of letting go. And letting go of what we know to take a leap of faith into the unknown is an utterly terrifying prospect for the human mind. But one that is at times all the more necessary if we want to finally set ourselves free from the chains of our current modern societies.

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