That Time We Dressed Up as Nazis and Lobbied Texas Senators in Favor of Their Tryanny - AND IT WORKED!

in #anarchism8 years ago

In a brilliant bit of political satire that would have made Saul Alinsky proud, Texans for Accountable Government activists dressed up as Nazis to protest a bill that would have authorized checkpoints and even allowed the use of location tracking devices without a warrant. You know, the kind the FBI sticks underneath a car bumper in the movies? Yeah, the Texas Department of Public Safety wanted another tool in their growing bag of spy goodies and police state powers.

image of nazi activists

When Texans for Accountable Government activists heard about the bill, Senate Bill 9 by Tommy Williams, they sprung in to action, and..... costume!

image of nazi activists2

Dressing up like Nazis, the activists handed out "Fuhrer's Favorite: Excellence in the area of tyranny" certificates, and thanked the bills co-authors for their support of such a draconian bill. Hillarity ensues, and the Senator's clerks and staff have no idea what to think.

image of nazi3

Watch the video! You won't be disappointed.

Oh yeah, one more thing, the next day a substitute bill was entered which had no sign of checkpoints or warrantless tracking devices! The bill never made it to the floor for discussion and was subsequently killed.


Here is some great local media coverage that no doubt helped to kill the bill!


Troll Level: Legendary. I love this. You are my hero.

Good Job standing up for your rights! Shows what can happen when ordinary citizens stand up to THE MAN.

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