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RE: [STATISM] Is it Morally Wrong to Evade Taxes?

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

We don't live in a capitalist society?
Wow, I think you need to tell that to everyone that bought into the 'Capitalism won the cold war' after the fall of the Berlin wall in the 80's and and Russia adopting capitalism in the 90's.

How is communism ruling again? Apart from in China, and NK.......

Taxes are not a contract? So by choosing to live in a society you are not agreeing to their terms and conditions? Guess who paid for the sidewalk, roads and amenities? The tax payer, so yeah you are stealing from them if you enjoy the fruits of living in a society they paid for.

Where are your constructive comments I can't find them? If taxes are theft, go live in a tax free country like Dubai or the UAE. These countries invest oil revenue into infrastructure.

Leftist crap? Name calling? Sounds like a guy who has to resort to playground tactics when they've been discredited and have no credible comeback.

There are people in society who depend on welfare, and also make a contribution to society, so your kinda ignorant if you belive there aren't. While I don't disagree with you entirely, I do belive that the government are responsible and should be held accountable for those that actually steal from tax payers.

For example the same people that stole tax payer money to bail out the banks, should be held accountable, the same people that abuse fear and war, and released public funding to go to the pockets private contractors extortionate figures, as well as the military industrial complex, the same people that don't crack down on extremely high earners; who have no need for ridiculous amounts of wealth, the same people that allow 1% of the population to hold 40% of the wealth.

These are the real thieves and their accomplices.

So if taxes are theft, is living in a country while not paying taxes 'squatting'? Are you a squatter?


There are no countries. They exist only in the minds of statists. There's earth and there's ocean. The lines between 'countries' only exist on maps.

A rebuttal of basically, " let the government steal from you, or leave" is counterproductive. You're basically saying he has no right to decide where his money is spent. That's called slavery.

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