Portland CopWatcher Tortured to Comply

in #anarchism7 years ago

My most resent bit of news I wrote for PINAC news.
To say Eli AKA Son of Hightowerhas had a few bad encounters with law enforcement over the past month would be an understatement. In flagrant disregard, for Law, Logic, Reason or humanity Portland police have now Tortured him for what appeared to be the spite and enjoyment of the supervising Police Sergeant on the Scene. You are about to watch a video clip of Portland Officers Using Pain Compliance

on Eli for engaging in something called *passive resistance which is a perfectly legal practice in the State of Oregon! In case you were wondering passive resistance is when a person feels morally outraged by an impending arrest while protesting one only need sit or lay down, at that point it becomes incumbent on the officers to carry you and safely transport you unharmed to jail.
At this point, Eli was protesting the way his right to film was being trampled on as the officers Tortured Him. To add insult to further injury Eli warned his attackers he had been stabbed in his arm just a few days pryer to this incident! Eli’s Appeals to their humanity fell on deaf ears! Support Police Accountability Resteem this unkay?

Here Is the short video of this incident edited for time!

My full story can be read at PINAC News by following the link below.

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