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RE: So You're Seeing a Lot of Anarchist Posts, But You're Not Anarchist, WTF is Going On?!

Nice post! You've given a thoughtful and fairly succinct overview of anarcho-capitalism here. And we probably are going to need more posts like this as Steemit grows, attracting more users who aren't yet versed in the philosophies of freedom. I was scrolling through the trending feed earlier today and thinking to myself, "man, what are all the non-anarchist (or not-yet-anarchist) steempeople going to think about all these anarchy posts? Their heads are probably exploding!" In fact, I'd wager a reasonable sum of steem dollars that there have been a few who have left the platform precisely because they couldn't handle all the anarchy posts. Still others are probably scratching their heads, wondering what the deal is, and thirsty for a light introduction.

Good job spotting this underfilled niche and exploiting it, you filthy capitalist, you! ;)


Thanks, Leslie! Now let me get back to counting my filthy stacks of Steem Dollars to come. XD

We need as many capitalist pigs as we can get, the smell of bacon was what drew me to Steemit in the first place.

We're still here, we still occasionally read through these posts, but we're no closer to convinced than we were when we didn't even realize anarchism was actually still a thing people thought of as anything other than purely theoretical.

That's okay, @jsteck . You dont' have to feel left out. We will still consider you a potential anarchist and invite you to all of our weed/gay marriage/firearms/profit parties. :D

Leave out the firearms and I'll bring the guac

Let's rethink this. Without the firearms, how are we going to defend our gay married friends and their weed profits from bigots and feds?

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