Statism / Anarchism - in order to try to build a global anarchistic society, I unfollowed every Steemit account that don't use their real name.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchism7 years ago (edited)


Reclaim your name and your person!

I came to Steemit mostly for the potential of meeting and getting to know other anarchists. I found many anonymous accounts, that there could be good people behind, but if we want to really build a future based on true peaceful anarchism, then we need to act with our real names, and take ownership over our real identities, instead of hide behind anonymous screen-names and then go work for the evil fiat money system and think that you are an anarchist.

I might make a more "nice" post on this topic at one point in the future.

Lasse Ehlers



The problem with anarchy is as soon as you get followers, someone is in charge

Lets take Steem / Steemit as an example. I think that there should be no Steemit Inc only the blockchain and then services that got developed around that blockchain, but I guess thats also what the people in Steemit Inc hope will happen..

When you say followers, what do you mean more precisely ?

You have started a microcosmic state, how can you have anarchy if there is a leader

The idea is there are no leader, but people own them-self and can interact voluntarily, including following each others on Steemit, trade or converse.

What do anarchists do when they need a leader to coordinate a defense

A leader or teacher is not a problem a ruler is, there is a difference.
Defense could be coordinated.


Nobody relinquished their person by not using their name, as you seek to argue. Glad you don't follow me, you're not an anarchist in any sense.

I'm sorry to hear that. To each as they must.

Real names? As if chosen screen names are not real names. I think you have a flaw in your logic:
You don't recognize people's inherent right to name themselves as they wish, especially on the internet, and if you do, you fail to see the utility of a screen name for many instead of their real name, or you are a shill, or a rat, a snitch or some other thug that seeks to promote the underground to reveal itself to be compromised. Much anarchy not.

What a shill!

and take ownership over our real identities, instead of hide behind anonymous screen-names and then go work for the evil fiat money system and think that you are an anarchist.

As if you are working for the evil fiat money system de facto when you don't use your real name, what a instigator and provocateur. As if you have a how to build an anarchist society let alone a global one at that, starting with stereotyping fallacy, and a cool meme, you are no anarchist, you are a shill provocateur.

Sorry, but that's just dumb.

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