Happy Government Hypocrisy Day!

in #anarchism8 years ago

So today is a federal holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., because the political parasites really want you to know how much they admire and support people who stand up for the underdog against the establishment!

Except, of course, they don’t. Ever.

Anyone who resists the whims of the ruling class is hounded and attacked in whatever way the control freaks can think of, up to and including getting murdered. And that makes it extra ridiculous and offensive when “government” later pretends to revere and praise individuals it oppressed and brutalized before. And yet that has happened over and over again, with MLK being just one example.

Now, there are plenty of things I could complain about regarding MLK. He was a statist, a collectivist, and I wasn’t fond of the pacifism he preached (I agree with a lot of what Malcolm X said about various “civil rights leaders” helping to train the state's victims to be passive). But that’s not the point here. The point is that, over and over again, people who have gone against the establishment and the status quo have often been harassed, terrorized, attacked, demonized, assaulted, caged and/or murdered by “the powers that be,” only to later be praised by the same institution that put them through hell. The pattern is so predictable: those who wield political power do everything they can to destroy anyone who resists their domination, but if, despite their efforts, a lot of people still like the uppity rebels, those in power will eventually turn around and pretend to support what the rebels did.

Oh, look. Here are some “government” employees “honoring” MLK:

Is anyone stupid enough to actually believe that those in “government” like people who disobey them? The politicians speak in glowing terms of the bravery of people like Rosa Parks. Of course, they gloss over the fact that what she bravely did was disobey their stupid “laws,” and then get forcibly kidnapped and caged by their stupid “law enforcers.” It’s like the Mafia honoring someone who tried to resist their knee-cap smashers.

Consider the “Underground Railroad,” which illegally helped slaves escape the southern states, while “government” agents kept trying to violently stop them. Without the damn feds making slavery “legal,” the institution of slavery would have been damn near impossible to maintain. Yet today the politicians are trying to pretend they just worship people like Harriet Tubman—going so far as putting her on U.S. currency—because she disobeyed their former commands. I guess we’re supposed to think that before, those in “government” were power-happy and evil, but now they’re righteous. Sure.

Or consider how the U.S. “government” has treated the American “Indians” (a stupid name which was the result of that Spanish dude getting lost): theft, forced eviction and genocide, courtesy of the “brave men and women of law enforcement” who worked for the feds. But hey, that was a while ago. Now those in power think indians are just swell! (Well, except for the fact that the U.S. ruling class continues to abuse and oppress them.)

Over and over again, the control freaks have abused and victimized individuals and groups, only to later erect monuments to them, assign holidays in their name, name streets after them, and so on. But it’s always just the parasites trying to cover their asses for their past misdeeds. They never mean a goddamn word of it. To think that those who seek out positions from which they can forcibly dominate everyone else, actually admire those who stand up for truth and justice, is just idiotic.

But they sure are bold about pretending. In Mordor—sorry, I mean, Washington, DC—you can see a grand memorial built in honor of Thomas Jefferson, a man who is quoted to have said, “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” Of course, if you actually try to live in accordance with that idea, thugs of the state will violently attack you, kidnap you and cage you.

Perhaps more significantly, Jefferson was a famous criminal and traitor, who advocated illegal rebellion against an established “government,” forever expressed in that extremist terrorist document, The Declaration of Independence, which said that whenever a “government” becomes destructive of individual rights, the people have both the right and the duty to “alter or abolish” that “government.” And yet, as we all know, the current set of crooked parasites infecting DC display that Declaration, treating it as sacred and noble—while violently crushing any who actually try to do what that document says people have a duty to do.

Indeed, the way the powers-that-be still celebrate the American Revolution, praising and even deifying those involved, is bizarre and insane. But no more bizarre and insane than the way most Americans celebrate “Independence Day,” even though they would be first to condemn and attack anyone who tried to do anything similar today. In fact, I had fun giving a talk about this years ago, on July 4th, right in front of Independence Hall, where the Declaration was signed.

The damn politicians, in their nationalistic propaganda, still try to hijack the messages of people like Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine, despite the fact that those two vehemently opposed the Constitution as too authoritarian, and openly condoned “illegal” disobedience and resistance against a “government” (the British Crown) which was drastically less oppressive than what the U.S. empire has become. Try reading Paine’s “Common Sense,” or Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” speech, and see if the political masters wouldn’t characterize those as “extremist, dangerous, terrorist hate speech” if they were coming from anyone today.

When those who hold power know they can’t forever demonize their opponents, they eventually turn around and try to hijack the message of their opponents, pretending to support it—while of course mangling it into unrecognizable authoritarian tripe in the process. “Hey, JFK, sorry we blew your head off for not being enough of a war-monger, but now we’ll deify you and put you on currency and stuff!” “Yo, Gandhi, sorry we kidnapped and caged you repeatedly for gently disobeying our arbitrary edicts, but now we’ll praise you and pretend we like what you stood for.” “Sorry, Jesus, that we nailed you to a cross for teaching non-violence, tolerance and love, but now we think you’re a swell guy!”

Anyway, I could go on and on with examples of outlaws, rebels and “freedom fighters” who have been vilified and destroyed by the political establishment, only to later be glorified and praised by the same institution that sought to destroy them—and often did destroy them. But since this is MLK Day, I will just leave you with a few quotes from Dr. King, showing just how schizophrenic it is for the U.S. ruling class to “honor” him now with a national holiday, and just how pathetic it is for the American people to think that the ruling class means it.

We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed.” - MLK

If any earthly institution or custom conflicts with God’s will, it is your Christian duty to oppose it. You must never allow the transitory, evanescent demands of man-made institutions to take precedence over the eternal demands of the Almighty God.” - MLK

“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” - MLK

If you really think those in power actually respect or revere anyone who believed that, you’re just too damn gullible. Happy Government Hypocrisy Day!


Love the passion, rationality and flat out truth you present Larken. It's from people like you that the spirit of liberty shines as a mighty example of leadership and freedom.

May we all rise to that level of excellence. Well done, and stay strong my brave friend!

“We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others.”
― José Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert & Other Stories

It's not fun , and it shows you pain and reality. Get high on hopes and dreams , only that can save you from endless mediocrity! or facing it :D ,

what do you think of dreams and hopes ?

I like the fact if you work towards it :)

I thought this day was the sick memorial that the govern-cement raised in honor of the govern-cement shooting MLK

Life in Mordor... Happy GHD!

Great stuff. Resteemed.

Excellent, as always. Let the cognitive dissonance flow for the statists who read this. Shared, resteemed, and such.

Great read. Happy GHD

Happy day to you too :)! Nice to see a opinion that defies logic :D I though they loved him :)

Also great to see ~300 views , someone might have read it :)

Keep your will strong :)

Excellent article! Actually the same federal government that declared a holiday in his honor constantly harassed him, and the FBI even sent him a letter urging King to kill himself.

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