Bankers are Vampires a comparative analysis of the myth or history
-Vampires live and work in the shadows never exposing themselves to the light of the sun (big money works behind the scenes not openly in public they are never the politicians, bureaucrats, generals or judges they just own them and they do their bidding.)
-Vampires have those who are sworn to serve them and are therefore "marked." They have been given the promise to one day be made into vampires. These are those who work in the daylight on behalf of the vampire (they let their puppets/ politicians make laws that benefit them at the expense of the public and in return they will be rewarded with wealth and positions of power.)
-Vampires live off the blood (labor and creative ability) of those they consider cattle or lower classes meant to serve them.
-Vampires are highly secretive, seductive and manipulative (bilderberg ring any bells) (here is an excerpt from Revelations chapter 17; And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore (the banking system) that sitteth upon many waters (it's in every country): With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication) I do like how it says fornication ie.. cheating, and the banking system cheats everyone out of their lives and turns them into debt slaves.
-The older the vampire (money or family) the more powerful they are.
-Vampires can make new vampires (people with tremendous wealth) as long as they agree to the rules of the coven and will always remain weaker than the older vampires.
-When they wish to destroy one of their own they expose them to the light of the sun (or the light of public scrutiny because the always have something on them, for instance how many politicians other celebrities have been exposed for engaging in drugs, prostitution, pedophilia, corruption, bribery, ect.)
-They create a pack of vicious dogs or werewolves whom they control, to protect them against those who recognize them for the murderous thieves they are and enforce their will (sounds like the military, police or private security companies who do their bidding simply because they have been educated and are paid/seduced to do so.)
-They have no reflection (the ability to reflect on what they do to others they are soul-less.)
-Garlic repelled them. (Garlic was a poor mans medicine and is representative of poverty)
-They feared the sign of the cross. (This is the understanding of true sovereignty, that God gives His creation the right to life and the right to use the natural resources of the planet to sustain life, Men are only beholden to God, not any man who through laws and the use of force, forces you to use paper that they can manipulate to live from the fruits of your labor.)
-You must invite them in, they can not cross the threshold of your home without permission (your permission is your consent to their authority and your willingness to use debt or credit.)
-Silver makes them powerless and can destroy them (silver, gold and copper are elements, true currencies that can not be counterfeited unlike paper notes and digits in a computer.)
-The light of the sun can kill them (The illumination of being exposed for their crimes would enrage the public and as Henry Ford said; "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.")
-They can be killed by fire or a stake through the heart but with the stake you must also cut off the head. (Fire is a revolution that burns it out completely, a stake only kills the body but to ensure the death of it you must take the head.)
-Vampire tales say they started in Slavic countries such as "Transylvania" but vampire lore says the oldest of vampires date back to ancient Egypt and Babylon. (The "Ashkenazi" Banks of the Rothschilds; Ashkenazi have their origins in Ashkenazim, from Hebrew Ashkenaz “Germany” member of the Jews who lived in the Rhineland valley and in neighboring France before their migration eastward to Slavic lands (e.g., Poland, Lithuania, Russia) after the Crusades (11th–13th century) and their descendants.) However the manipulation of people in order to profit from their labor is much older, if you remember how Jesus stormed the temple and flogged the money changers? Also in history we see the manipulation of people to work for currency started in Babylon and exploded into the Middle Kingdom Egypt.)
-Vampires are immortal or at least thought to be (Bankers and the Uber-rich believe they are leaving a legacy that will last for generations, they leave their wealth to the next generation of family who will propagate the system. They convince people there is no alternative to their monetary system and thus it continues.)
-Vampires can take on many forms (banking systems, royalty, presidents, politicians, generals, energy companies, agricultural industry, health and welfare, transportation, media and education to name a few)
-Vampires are also known as the "Living Dead" since they cursed God and made a deal with the Satan the father of lies (Jesus said "let the dead bury their dead" and in another context whilst speaking to Nicodemus; “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” and yet again when he says; "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven." in other words life comes from the spirit not the physical, Greed is Physical and the physical is death.) Another fun fact is how many of the ultra wealthy come from "Secret Societies such as "Skull and Bones" and how satanic are some of their rituals.
In the end and without question Bankers are Vampires..
Kris Harrison
The Progressive Anarchist