Crypto-anarchists Are Our New Leaders, Populism is dead, Long live the crypto-anarchism

in #anarchism7 years ago

For decades it has been said that the Internet will change politics, Well, here it is, it is taking place. Simply, it was not in the sense predicted by the digital gurus. While we dreamed of an informed and benevolent e-citizen, it was something else that took place. The Internet, is a brothel overwhelming with facts, indignations, blogs, data, propaganda, disinformation, investigative journalism, contradictory graphics. The internet masks a much deeper and much long-term social and political reconstruction. A reconstruction that takes place on the basis of what contemporary technologies allow: the infinite possibility for the individual to choose and master his choices. But this development is not understood by political systems that are stuck in the previous industrial age.


What is going to happen to us? Well, the rise of crypto-anarchism. Just that. So who are the crypto-anarchists? Basically, they are "hackers, anti-state libertarians, who have been fiddling with the margins of politics for at least 20 years trying to alert, in total indifference, to the dangers of Live in a world where everything is online and connected. "And they share a belief:" Digital technology, enabling citizens to use encryption, is the way to a stateless paradise, Impossible for the state to monitor, control and impose individuals. "(For greater clarity, I refer you to the" Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto "whose first sentence is obviously" A specter haunts the modern world, Of crypto-anarchism ").

Today, these crypto-anarchists manufacture software that encrypt communications, they use encrypted currencies (Bitcoin is the best known, but there are others), they are the actors of the famous Blockchain Certification, which also relies on encryption, and which could soon undermine many of our insitutions). It is via these technologies - the movement of maximum decentralization is taking place at a very rapid pace on the internet, and which means that crypto-anarchism is winning the game from the old world folks.

If the social-democratic and liberal policies are dyed, there are few who take account of these changes, the right-wing populists are dropped. All their willingness to close the borders and to their conception of a centralized power, they acknowledge not at all to be interested in all that. Asked about the progress of Artificial Intelligence, Donald Trump's secretary of the Treasury made a round eye, explaining that it was not in the radar of his administration, and that it did not worry him. So, there is not much to worry about these populist movements: they will be the first political victims of the new world.

Today our world is much more like the 1820s, a time of unprecedented change and confusion: first industrialization, revolutions and counter-revolutions, political violence, scientific discoveries, the beginning of the railway, Luddists destroying machines ... But this has not Launched Europe into the arms of tyrants, we saw many exciting things: emergence of a working class, generalization of the vote, birth of socialism ... And that is what could happen to us: new ideas, new Political theories With crypto-anarchism, which could stand out, for it is clear that for 20 years, crypto-anarchists have been the most lucid as regards the evolutions that the technologies made to undergo to our world.

So much for this theory that I find it rather amusing, but there remains a question: is it the lucidity that makes the success of a political movement? This question should be asked from anarchists of the 19th century.

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Crypto Currencies will rule the world in the coming future thanks for the share...

Good work

You're welcome
Can you see my articles ?

crypto-anarchists are free and have a duty to free the slaves!

they will one day do this but right now they need some support and you could be one of that support. thanks

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