Why are the tax livestock so passionate about the trivial, and virtually unfazed by the evils perpetrated against them?

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wondered: why it is that the mass majority of people are so passionate and devoted to their petty interests such as their beloved bread & circuses, idols, and TV shows, but when it comes to their own life and the chains which bind them to perpetual servitude- that passion & devotion is utterly non existent? Why they will physically do so much to go and see them, cheer them on, weep in their defeats, celebrate in there successes, and binge in endless hours of meaningless motion pictures, but when it comes to their freedom they are void of all passion, all devotion, and will not physically do anything to preserve their own prosperity? Not even so much as speak out against the evils of the world, or even to be personally interested in preserving their freedom from said evils?
Sorry about the lizard guy, i cant find the original
It seriously baffles my mind how the aforementioned things fill the horizons of peoples minds to the point where money printing, inter-generational debt, perpetual wars, welfare states, police states, and out of control sociopaths calling themselves government: have virtually no effect on their decisions as, what i presume to be, free thinking individuals, who should have vested interest in their own as well as their children's prosperity. For i glory in publicly avowing my eternal enmity towards all forms of tyranny over the mind of man, and to see people so docile, so impervious, so domesticated to the evils of our world troubles me deeply. I see it every day, the countdowns to football season, the feuds between fans of star athletes, endless statistical analysis, the constant discussion substance-less TV dramas like Big Brother.
All of this during the most epic time to be alive in human history, the most monumental moment in the animating contest for freedom... I wish i had an answer to this, i really do, but that's why i bring this question to the great people of steemit and the internet(you). I just want to shout from the rooftops so everyone will know, or at least hear that There comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, so sick at heart that you cant take part, you cant even passively take part, & you've got to place your bodies upon the gears, upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you've got to make it stop! You've got to indicate to the people who run it to the people who own it, that until we're free we will dismantle every bolt and every screw, and the machine will be prevented from working at all!

Thanks for taking the time to ponder on this question
I look forward to hearing what you think!

I am Jimmy Wood, host of The Animating Podcast and creator of www.theanimatedcontest.com. I am a voluntaryist, anarchist, and freedom lover. I appreciate the upvotes and welcome you to the animated contest for freedom.


I think they call it Stockholm Syndrome. They've been in the system too long to see it for what it really is.

i feel like that would be the answer for why they cling to statism? not necessarily why they are so consumed with trivial indulgences .

Propaganda works.

well, this is true, But i assume we were propagandized with the same propaganda as the masses, i know i was, but i gave a damn about my and my unborn childrens prosperity, their freedom, and i just dont see how thats not natural for human beings.

It is a major method of propaganda. The "ruling class" set the current acceptable ideas, but encourage lively discussions between those acceptable ideas. Also related to "controlled opposition".

Notice "thanks, I don't need to be governed, I'll govern myself" is never one of the options. :D

Hard to disagree with that.
I think "thanks, I don't need to be governed, I'll govern myself" is where my line "There comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, so sick at heart that you cant take part, you cant even passively take part, & you've got to place your bodies upon the gears, upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you've got to make it stop! You've got to indicate to the people who run it to the people who own it, that until we're free we will dismantle every bolt and every screw, and the machine will be prevented from working at all!"
came from!

Good post. Are you familiar with the writings of Noam Chomsky? He wrote about how people who can't balance a checkbook or take the trouble to learn skills that would elevate their lives spend endless hours pouring over, analyzing and discussing the meaningless statistics of baseball and football, the detailed performance of players and the politics of the teams, as if this was the real world. He considers sports (and the media circus in general as you describe) the greatest waste of human energy on the planet. I agree. You said it very well in your first paragraph.

Great graphic at the top.


Thank you, i havent read much from chomsky. ive listened to him talk and a few of debates, and although i dont agree with a lot of what he says (his commie leanings) i would agree with his analysis on the bread and circus as you describe it.
I would also agree that its the greatest waste of energy on earth. Thats a great way to say it.

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