
Haha, I'll have to research it to write about it. I've heard the term but not really dug into it myself. You have me curious now though.

EDIT: I do know of some places that essentially did this for awhile. They eventually got swallowed up, but I'll be researching this some more. WW2 ate one of the ones that might fit this.

EDIT 2: Actually, I think I'm wrong. I need to dig into this more. If it is like Burning Man as an example I do have some material on that I purchased and have not watched/read yet. Might be a good time. Thanks for the suggestion.

Oh, ok, maybe I will write some then. ;)
If you are curious, take a look at:

Yeah write something and stick an @dwinblood in there at the bottom or something so I don't miss it in the flood. I'd love to read what you write.

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